
毕业论文关键词  英语专业    翻译教材   译例

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Title  A Survey of Combination Situation of Theory and Practice in English Major’s General Translation Coursebooks


This paper is to study the compilation system and the examples chosen in English major’s general translation coursebooks. Based on Gu Zhengkun’s and Yang Zijian’s compilation theory of translation coursebooks, it is to compare and analyze the examples chosen in translation coursebooks on the aspects of genre, accuracy and aesthetic standards in order to give some tryout suggestions on how to improve the level of translation coursebooks effectively. In a word, this paper aims at improving the level of examples chosen in translation textbooks and the level of the translation cousebooks themselves in order to improve the students’ translation ability ultimately. 

Keywords   English Major   Translation Coursebooks   Examples


1 Introduction

The demand of translators has increased a lot since the entrance of the 21st Century. The universities have adjusted by a big margin its curriculum and textbooks for translation to meet the need of the society. Although much effort has been made, there is still dissatisfaction in translation textbooks, e.g. the examples cannot fully explain the translation theory and techniques mentioned in the textbooks. Therefore, readers cannot fully understand the translation theory and techniques. As an extremely important way for students to learn translation, the quality of the textbooks is of significance. In this case, how to improve the quality of translation textbooks is a problem of great concern. This paper intends to contribute to the improvement of this situation through studying the combination of translation theory and practice in main translation textbooks.

1.1 The Previous Study of Translation Theory and Practice

With the development of the translation theories, many experts have studied from different aspects the contribution translation theory made to translation practice. Some experts ( Gu Zhengkun, 2003:403) believed that the relation between translation theory and translation practice is not one direction. To understand this point can make us combine the theory with practice better. Others ( Wen Xiuying, 2003:4 ) put emphasis on the importance of translation critique. For example, some experts believed ( Mu Lei, 2004:320 ) that translation critique can not only coordinate the relation between translation theory and translation practice, but also can function as catalyst to promote the development of translation theory.  文献综述

Although there are numerous studies on the relation between translation theory and practice, only a few ( Han Zhe, 2004:33) have analyzed through comparative case studies on the combination situation of translation theory and translation practice in main translation textbooks used by English major in universities.

1.2 Research Methodology

The subjects of this paper are six translation textbooks selected among the main translation textbooks used by English major in a national key university in Nanjing. Careful study has been made about the six translation textbooks. As main translation textbooks, they are used in junior translation class and are recommended as books for after class reading. They are A Course in English-Chinese Translation, A Coursebook on English-Chinese and Chinese-English Translation, A Practical Course in Translation between English and Chinese, Practical Skills in English-Chinese Translation, A New Coursebook on English-Chinese Translation and Translation-A Practical Course.

















