7. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13

1. Introduction

With development of society, the communication in English becomes more and more popular in exchanging information and doing business around the world. English has been used widely in the fields of science and technology. As a result, oral English has become more and more important in people’s life. However, oral English teaching in junior middle school has a lot of problems. Students are unwilling to speak English in class activities and the traditional grammar-translation method neglects the teaching of oral English in some classes.

To solve these problems, TBLT in oral English teaching is an efficient approach. It encourages students to speak, develops their confidence and activates their desire in learning and speaking. What’s more, right activities of TBLT can create a relaxed environment in class and give students more opportunities to communicate. Based on such guidance, after having an overview of former linguists’ contribution to task-based language teaching and communicative language teaching, this thesis analyzes the problems in junior middle school oral English teaching and then poses the principles for oral English teaching. After that, it discusses the necessity of TBLT in oral English teaching for this approach can deal with the problems in junior middle school oral English teaching and meet the demands of principles in oral English teaching. Finally, applications of TBLT in junior middle school oral English teaching are analyzed.

2.Literature Review

The development of teaching methodologies is always accompanied with the changes of social or educational background. Thus, it is not reasonable to study teaching pedagogies without referring to their unique backgrounds. Furthermore, all the theories themselves have their own advantages in particular dimensions and none of them could be considered useless. To make a better understanding of TBLT in middle school classroom teaching, it’s quite necessary to have a review on Communicative Language Teaching, which is considered to be the foundation of TBLT.

Communicative language teaching, which was  introduced into  china in1990,      became


popular since 1970s and has similar teaching objectives with audio-lingual method. What differs CLT from audio-lingual method is its way to achieve its goal. CLT, which advocates focus on all of the components of communicative competence, holds that the only way of learning language is communication and only this can meet the demands for real world communication. For second language learner, the contents of authentic communication includes not only daily activities like tourist, vocation and purchase but also what they are engaging in, such as career and learning. CLT believes that all of those can be subjects and activities in classroom interaction between students. To some extent, task-based language teaching is based on the theories of CLT.

Developed from CLT, Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) has been widely used and discussed in Chinese classroom teaching since 2000. In task-based language teaching, the basic element is task and the main activity in class is that teachers ask students to carry out a series of tasks. Usually, task is defined as an activity in which

meaning is primary;论文网

there are some problems to solve;

the activities in TBLT have a strong connection with the activities in real world;

task completion is vital; and

the assessment of the task is depended on the outcome of finishing the task Researches on TBLT have already identified the types of tasks that enhance learning

















