First of all, the paper will make a introduction of the mian theory , framework theory, that supports ananlysis of the whole pasage. It contains two parts: the origin of framework theory and the basic concepts of framework theory. Secondly, the paper will give a breif introduction of both Tu Youyou and the progress of her winning the award. Thirdly, it will make a research on the general current situations of both China and America news reports of Tu Youyou’s winning the Nobel Award by searching from People ’s Daily and New York Times with two tables. It is a comparison to show readers the differences between China and the west on reporting Youyou’s winning the Nobel Award. The comparison will be pided into two parts: the different Top20 using words and different meaning framework. Last but not least, the paper will solve a question: what leads to the differences? It finds out that both the media has certain tendentiousness, and there exists three aspects leading to the different tendentiousness. The news value is the first layer that lead the differences between the news framework, political values is under the second layer and the cultural values is the deepest factor.论文网

2. The  Theoretical Framework——Framework Theory

2.1 Origin of framework  theory

The  concept of the  framework  is  put  forward by Gamson.  "Framework" refers to the

people by the framework to interpret the event, to give meaning, is a kind of potential significance of the construction process." (Gamson, Croteau, & Hoynes Saaaon, 1992: 373-393).Relationships between framework and news tendency can be departed  into  two kinds. Firstly, according to the selected topic, framework will select some useful contents, and delete contrary and unrelated things; Secondly, framework will consciously or unconsciously serve some purpose or value views. The tendentiousness of news means that the media represents different classes, partisan, interests, attitudes, values of news and is an unconsciously exhibit in different media. Since enter the stage of party newspaper, western media generally showed distinct tendency, after cheap newspaper appearance and the newspaper industry enters the stage of commercial paper stage,  the tendency appeared into two forms: one is to continue to recognize news reports have a tendency and the other is emphasizing the objectivity.文献综述

2.2 Basic  concepts of framework theory

The concept of framing is related to the agenda-setting tradition but expands the research by focusing on the essence of the issues at hand rather than on a particular topic. The basis of framing theory is that the media focuses attention on certain events and then places them within a field of meaning. Framing is an important topic since it can have  a  big influence and therefore the concept of framing expanded to organizations as well.

In essence, framework theory suggests that how something is presented to the audience (called “the frame”) influences the choices people make about how to  process that information. Frames are abstractions that work to organize or structure message meaning. The most common use of frames is in terms of the frame the news or media place on the information they convey. They are thought to influence the perception of the news by the audience, in this way it could be construed as a form of second level agenda-setting – they not only tell the audience what to think about (agenda-setting theory), but also how to think about that issue (second level agenda setting, framing theory).

The theory was first put forth by Goffman, under the title of Frame Analysis (link to PDF of article). He put forth that people interpret what is going on around their world through their primary framework. This framework  is regarded as primary as it  is taken for  granted   by

















