Abstract In recent years, researches on the public service advertising have gradually increased from different fields, including advertising and linguistics. However, public service advertising often unavoidably uses metaphor. The research on the metaphorical expression in public service advertising can make the creation of the public service advertising more acceptable. The “conceptual metaphor theory” pointed that metaphor is not only a rhetorical device but a creative thinking ability. Today most metaphor researches are based on the English corpus. 

Therefore the thesis studies the Chinese public service advertising through the conceptual metaphor theory. This thesis mainly contains four parts. The first part includes the background of the theory, the purpose, the significance and the frame of the thesis. The second part is a general view of the public service advertising and the conceptual metaphor, which first introduces the definition、characteristics and functions of the public service advertising and then explains the classification、definition and characteristics of the conceptual metaphor. The third part mainly analyzes the application of different kinds of conceptual metaphor in the public service advertising respectively, the reasons and effects of the metaphor expression. The last part is a brief summary of the thesis and states the limitation and further research of the thesis.69710

Keywords:  Public Service Advertising; Conceptual Metaphor; Application

摘要近年来,从不同学科领域对公益广告的研究也逐渐增多,包括广告学,社会语言学等等。但是公益广告中通常不可避免地使用隐喻, 通过研究公益广告中的隐喻表达,可以使公益广告的创作更容易让公众接受。“概念隐喻理论”指出隐喻不仅是一种修辞工具,也是一种创新思维。而如今大多数隐喻研究都是以英语语料为基础。因此本论文运用概念隐喻理论来研究汉语公益广告。本文共分为四大部分,首先是该论文的简单介绍,包括理论背景,论文目的和意义。第二部分是对公益广告和概念隐喻理论的概述,分别介绍了公益广告的定义、特点及作用,再简单概述概念隐喻理论的定义、分类以及特点。第三部分主要分别分析三类概念隐喻在公益广告中的应用,分析出隐喻表达的原因以及效果。最后一部分是一个小结,同时阐述了论文还存在的局限性以及未来研究的期望。



1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

2.1 Previous Studies of Public Service Advertising

2.2 Public Service Advertising

3. Theoretical Framework

3.1 Definition of Conceptual Metaphor

3.2 Classification of Conceptual Metaphor

3.3 Characteristics of Conceptual Metaphor

4. Metaphor Application in Public Service Advertising

4.1 Application of Structural Metaphor

4.2 Application of Ontological Metaphor

4.3 The application of Orientational Metaphor

5. Conclusion

Work Cited

1. Introduction

The theory of conceptual metaphor put forward by Lakoff and Johnson has a profound influence on today’s metaphorical researches. There are many scholars studying conceptual metaphor from different aspects. 

Aristotle is a pioneer of the theory of metaphor. His metaphor theory believed that metaphor only exists in the vocabulary, and is not related to the logical thought. He also considered that metaphor is just a substitution among words and it is not necessary, which   aims at enhancing expression. (Jiang, 2014: 108)Not until Richard published the Philosophy of Rhetoric in the 1930s, scholars began to put the metaphor, a semantic phenomena, into the sentence level instead of the lexical level. However, the research of metaphor was still in the field of linguistics. Until 1980, the study of metaphor turned into a new era. The publication of Metaphor We Live By brought forward the theory of conceptual metaphor, a kind of cognitive mapping of structure from the source domain to the target domain. Since then, the researches of metaphor become advanced deeply. Since 1990s, cognitive metaphor theory has been introduced into China and then set off a heated upsurge. 

















