Abstract Journey to the west,one of the four classics in China, is a masterpiece in the history of china literature. Chinese culture has a long history, even the name also includes the rich cultural connotations. This paper discusses translator's compliance with ethical models in Jenner's translation of character names in the Journey to the West, which is based on Chesterman's translation ethical models, that is "Ethics of representation,Ethics of service,Ethics of communication,Norm-based ethics and Ethics of commitment"(Chesterman, 2001:7),so as to explore the possibility of a better cultural communication.69719

The thesis firstly introduces the necessity of translation ethics in translation activity and its necessity in the translation of characters' names, and proposed to analyze the translation of characters' names in Jenner's version of journey to the west from Chesterman's five ethical models. The second part mainly discusses the development of Chesterman's five ethical models at home and abroad. In the third part, the thesis analyzes the five ethical models in characters' names in Jenner's version and selects some typical examples of translation, puts forward some practical translation methods, and then discusses how the translator successfully makes this paper more meaningful in practice. Finally, the thesis put forward the necessity of translation ethics in translation activity, and the translator should pay attention to different translation ethics to adopt different practical translation methods to achieve a better cultural exchange. 

Keywords: Chesterman's translation ethical models; Journey to the West;    translation of characters' names;translation methods





1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 An overview on ethics in translation.1

2.2 A brief review on Chesterman's five models about ethics in translation 2

3. An Analysis on Translation of Characters' Names in Journey to the West from the Prospective of Chesterman's Five Models 2

3.1 Five ethical models in name translation of Journey to the West 3

3.2 Practical Methods in Translation of Characters'Names 5

4. Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1. Introduction 

 Translation is a cross-culture activity that expresses the meaning of one language in another language, aiming at coordinating different relationships, spreading cultural knowledge and promoting social civilization among different countries. It is necessary to use some principles and norms to guide and coordinate the translation. The standard that guides people to interact with each other is ethics. In translation, this series of norms and principles are known as the translation ethics. Translation ethics are also needed in the translation of the characters' names in the Jenner's English version of Journey to the West. So Jenner should set the correct translation ethics to apply appropriate methods to translate these names.

















