2.1.2 The analysis of men and women’s unequal status 

Although the author haven’t obviously pointed out that men have such privileges, at least he didn’t express that men and women are certainly equal, which disappoints the readers and goes against the proposition that the author advocate at the very beginning-- everyone is equal. It is certainly a kind of contradiction in More’s thought. Why wouldn’t More be more considerate about this status conflict between men and women? As far as I am concerned, for one thing, the Utopia was written in the period of The Renaissance, and the idea that men and women were equal was just brought up, which means this idea didn’t enjoy a popular support at that time. For another, it is the limit of More’s own thoughts for he was cultivated without that idea and he take men’s privileged position for granted.

    2.2 The status conflict between the privileged people and the ordinary people

As for the unfair, or we say contradictory, phenomenon in Utopia, besides the relationship between men and women, it also exists the status conflict between the privileged people and the ordinary people. Here privileged people means the officials and the priests whom I’d like to focus on. 来,自|优;尔`论^文/网www.youerw.com

    2.2.1 The different treatment towards the privileged people and the ordinary people

    For instance, in the aspect of people’s need for the medical service, when patients are treated in the hospitals, they will be given the equal amount of the food. However, if there is any “Prince, the Chief Priest, the Tranibors, the Ambassadors” (More 2014 page86) or someone like them, they will get the special treatment. And there’s more, in terms of the law, when a priest is guilty of the crime, “they would not be questioned for it” (More 2014 page167). But according to the description in the article, “there is no one in this world is more important than the other”. So it doesn’t make any sense that people of high status enjoy the privilege while the ordinary people don’t have any. If people outside the Utopia find out that people there don’t enjoy the equal right, will they still be envious of the life that they desire all the time? The answer is certainly “no”! 

    2.2.2 The analysis of the privileged people and the ordinary people’s unequal status 

There are many evidences show that More laid a lot of stress on the rigorous but harmonious hierarchical system. People there do enjoy that kind of hierarchical system for they think that only in this way the country can be well-governed. What’s more, More also firmly believed that only if there were differences in the aspect of the status, can the society be stable. However, there are the distinctions in the status between the privileged people and the ordinary people, there are the unequal treatments the two kinds of people would enjoy. It’s true that there has to be someone the rule the country, but it’s also right to make sure that people’s basic rights are equally enjoyed.

















