1. Introduction

Along with the development of educational reform in China, and the popularization of various electronic devices, a new trend emerges in senior high school English teaching that is flip teaching. The flipped classroom is consistent with the requirement of the new reform. With the advancement of technology, all kind of electronic devices such as personal computer, ipad and smart phone have become the vogue of this era. Almost every family can afford a smart phone that is available for children’s study. We live in an information age where we should make advantage use of the net resources and the educational function of APP in great forms. Jonathan Bergman, the founder of the flipped classroom, delivered a keynote report on the flipped classroom in the course of the 14th International Forum on Educational Technology, held at Shanxi Normal University between September 27 and 28, 2015.

Flipped classroom refers to the kind of teaching model that students study the learning video recorded by teachers at home, and then discuss the problem with teachers and classmates face to face and finish homework. The reversed learning model is a form of blended learning which encompasses any use of technology to facilitate the learning in a classroom, so a teacher can spend more time interacting with students in lieu of lecturing. English, as a language course, focuses on the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing which will be fully practiced in class. So the obvious difference is that the internalization of flipped classroom happens in class while the traditional method after class.论文网

Students have long suffered the examination-oriented education system in which students learn with a heavy burden. Students’ creation vanishes under such kind of teaching atmosphere and it is not good for students’ future development. Under the pressure of College Entrance Examination System, students just take down the notes in class and spend a great deal of time in reciting these notes which proved to be a low efficiency method and a waste of time. However, the flipped classroom will “flip” such a situation. The inverted classroom allows students to study the teaching micro video created by the instructors online and then finishes the quiz. What needs to be emphasized is that flipped classroom is not tantamount to watching teaching video online. Instead, students are encouraged to be more thoughtful so as watching teaching video online. Instead, students are encouraged to be more thoughtful so as to have more discussion with teachers in class. Furthermore, another new round of the reform of College Entrance Examination claims that English, as a communication tool, should be taught in a more practical way to cater to the requirement of the globalization.

With limited research of the flipped classroom in junior high school English teaching, the author aims to show the significance of improving students’ engagement, learning interest and achievement. The thesis will be pided into six parts with the first two parts of introduction and literature review. And the third and fourth parts are the major body of this research emphasizing the process of the investigation. The fifth and sixth parts are the major findings and analysis of the experiment. 

2. Literature Review

With the development of the Internet and the application of multimedia in educational field, the implementation of Flipped Classroom becomes feasible and practical. Many domestic and foreign experts and scholars have done a great deal of research on Flipped Teaching, and they achieved great success. It originated from Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sam, the Chemistry teachers in Wooldland Part High School of Colorado in America. In order to help students who had absented from class to make up the missed lessons, they made videos recording the teaching content and then uploaded them online letting students to download to study at home.

















