However, with close examination of numerous studies of The Old Man and the Sea, few of them have shed light on the loneliness and solitude that Santiago experiences. Santiago’s loneliness and solitude seem to be concealed by his strong heroism. As a result, there exists a blank about the study of Santiago’s loneliness and solitude. 

From the review above, we know that although a lot of studies have been done separately on Robinson Crusoe and The Old Man and the Sea, researchers seem to neglect the value of studying the two books comparatively. In the research field of literature, nearly no study has been done to compare the loneliness and solitude embodied in the two novels. Therefore, the thesis can make up for the research blankness. Besides, the thesis’ attempt to differentiate loneliness and solitude by viewing them through the angle of philosophy can enrich the meaning of the literary works.

1.4 Philosophical theories of loneliness and solitude

Loneliness tends to be a negative state in the eyes of philosophers, since it is marked with a sense of isolation. Arendt (1962) says that in loneliness he is actually one, deserted by all others, which indicates one will feel that something is missing in loneliness. Gadamer (1988) supports this view and deems that loneliness is an experience of loss and suffering. He further points out that what is lost in loneliness is a sense of linking to others. 

By contrast, solitude is usually considered as a positive and constructive state. Arendt (1962) believes that in solitude he is by himself, together with his self, and therefore two-in-one. Gadamer (1988) then suggests that in solitude something is being sought for. Later, Arendt and Heidegger (2004) put forward that thinking will always take place in the solitary inquiry, which shows the significant role of solitude in enriching human’s inner world. After that, Costache (2013) proposes that solitude is what each of us is looking for when going through difficult times in our lives.

However, even though loneliness and solitude can be regarded as different concepts, they are still linked to each other. A lot of philosophers agree that loneliness can be the sign of solitude. For instance, Gadamer (1988) says that in the experience of loneliness there seems to be suffering along with solitude. Moreover, Arendt (1962) considers that there should be one unchangeable inpidual in the two-in-one whose identity can never be mistaken for that of any other; otherwise even though in solitude something is being sought for, it shouldn’t always be found. 

Based on former discussion on loneliness and solitude, one point can be affirmed that loneliness and solitude can be reciprocal and they are often along with each other in one’s experience. Therefore, on the one hand, both of loneliness and solitude should be considered in the thesis. And on the other hand, differentiation should be made between loneliness and solitude according to their unique implications. Furthermore, due to the specific historical background and the identity of author, there should be differences between the loneliness and solitude embodied in Robinson Crusoe and those in The Old Man and the Sea.来!自-优.尔,论:文+网

1.5 The significance of the study

The thesis will make a comparison between the loneliness and solitude embodied in Robinson Crusoe and The Old Man and the Sea by considering different historical backgrounds and specific identities of the two authors. By making such a comparison, the author wants to emphasize that as readers, we need to view loneliness and solitude in different literary works according to their specific historical backgrounds and the identities of different authors. Only in this way can we understand better the true meaning behind the literary works. Moreover, analyzing Crusoe’s and Santiago’s loneliness and solitude from the perspective of philosophy will create a new way to study the loneliness and solitude embodied in Robinson Crusoe and The Old Man and the Sea, which can enrich the meaning of the literary works in reverse. On the whole, study of human’s loneliness and solitude through comparative reading of literary works will contribute to the better understanding of human existence.

















