A Discussion on Advertisement Translation from the Skopos Perspective Abstract Economic development has made advertising one of the major means of sales promotion penetrating society, driving the translation of advertisement to rise and improve。 In order to standardize the translation of advertisement, principles and theories need to be used in the process of translation。 While most of the translation theories fail to completely satisfy the purpose of advertising translation, the paper stands on Skopos theory which is the most important part of function theory, and combines with the traits of advertisement, the stylistic features of the target language, the reaction of the target language readers, and the cultural background of the target language to explore the available strategies in advertising translation。 71952

Key words: advertising translation; Skopos theory; strategies 


摘  要现今世界,经济和生产的发展给广告的发展带了盛世。广告作为一种主要的促进销售的手段已经成为每个人生活中的一部分。所以,广告翻译的重要性也日益显著,人们的很多日常行为习惯受到广告翻译的影响,消费趋势也受到广告翻译的影响。为了使广告的翻译更加有章可循,使其标准化,一些翻译的标准和理论就需要应用到广告翻译的过程中去。虽然古今中外,有很多的翻译原则,不断演变。但是大多数的这些理论都不能完成达到广告翻译的目的。本文主要讨论一种翻译理论,而本文就是站在目的理论的角度来讲广告翻译。目的翻译理论是一种很有实用价值的翻译理论,本文不但分析目的翻译理论,还将结合广告翻译的特点,分析影响广告翻译的因素,全面的谈论广告翻译的方法和策略。

毕业论文关键词:广告翻译;目的论; 策略


1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature review 2

2。1 The history of translation in China 2

2。2 The history of translation abroad 2

2。3 Reasons for the difference of advertising translation 3

2。4 Skopos theory 5

3。 Strategies for advertisement translation 6

3。1 Definition and traits of advertisement 6

3。2 The rules of Skopos theory in advertising translation 7

3。3 Literal translation 7

3。4 Free translation 8

3。5 Addition 8

3。6 Deletion 9

3。7 Other strategies 9

4。 Conclusion 10

References 11

1。 Introduction

As cultural interaction becomec more and more frequent, translation as a career has been on the rise in China over the past two decades。 Translation includes written translation and interpretation。 It is not an easy task to translate a passage or an essay, let alone a book, because it involves a wide array of factors from language, knowledge, culture to economics。 For a person who wants to translate something, he or she needs not only the basic information of the meaning of the words or phrases but also the usage of these words。 And he or she also needs to link the passage or essay or literatures with the society and the culture of the related country。 This is a very hard part of translation。 One should be familiar with the related culture。 It requires day-by-day learning and accumulation。 But culture and custom are very difficult to learn and copy。 One has to, ideally, live in both cultures to make good sense of the cultural impediments to translation regarding at least the two specific languages in question。 Arguably, it remains a bottleneck, more often than not, for translational practitioners to reproduce meaningfully and satisfactorily in the target language the original text or speech。 A good translation is not only readable, it also aims at retaining or reproducing in the target language the beauty, say, poems and novels, to an extent that is fairly close to the original, be it the affection or the emotion。 Some researchers even claim that the number of the words shall also be taken into consideration when it comes to translation of classic poems and household songs。 Sometimes, like poems, some rhetoric traits of the original should be transplanted in the translation, which makes translation all the more daunting。 

















