Abstract Kung Fu Panda I II and III,the DreamWorks Animation comedies, have achieved great success in China。 The subtitle translation of the movie series makes it possible that foreign movie viewers understand the movies。 The translating strategies in these movies’ subtitle translation tend to domestication rather than foreignization in that there are full of Chinese characters and factors in Kung Fu Panda scene and the target movie viewers are Chinese。 The application of domestication can make Kung Fu Panda series more acceptable to Chinese movies viewers。 In order to produce a good version of subtitle, translators should apply different strategies in different conditions, including the cultural position of the translator, the comprehension of movie viewers and so on。 Foreignization and domestication should make their respective advantages complementary to each other to reach their dynamic and concrete unity。74591

Keywords: Kung Fu Panda; subtitle translation; domestication; foreignization


毕业论文关键词:《功夫熊猫》; 字幕翻译; 归化; 异化


1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

2。1 Review of domestication and foreignization 2

2。2 Review of the studies on Kung Fu Panda I II and III 3

3。 Analysis of Translation Strategies in the Subtitle of Kung Fu Panda I II and III 4

3。1 The application of domestication 4

3。2 The application of foreignization 8

4。 Conclusion 10

Works Cited 11

1。 Introduction 

Watching movies is an important entertainment in daily life。 With the development of economy, people in China tend to pay more attention to spiritual need and many English movies have achieved great success in China like Kung Fu Panda I II and III。 论文网

The subtitle translation plays a significant role in making Chinese audience understand English movies。 (Li, 12) Subtitle translation is a cross-cultural activity in which cultural factors are handled by translators with their own cultural stand, and the essence of which is to disseminate different cultures。 Looked from the surface, subtitle translation is an activity through which translators can transmit the source language into the target language。 However, perceived at a profound level, it needs to transfer culture and people can call it cross-cultural communication。 Therefore, as a translator, it is not only necessary to excel in two languages but also necessary to be acquainted with two different cultures because the language is a presentation of culture。 The differences in culture, such as religion, geography, history, folk-custom and historical allusions, are embodied in languages。 Hence, translators have to work out how to handle the culture of the source language to make it acceptable to readers。 (Guo, 117)

Normally, there are two options for translators, namely applying foreignization or domestication。 The domestication tends to provide a kind of natural and fluent version for the target readers, while the foreignization prefers to take the readers over to the source text and in turn to the foreign culture, making them see the differences。 (Sun, 56)

















