3。1 The usage of black humor

3。2 The sarcasms

3。3 The usage of literary allusions

3。4 The spiritual wasteland reflected by the post-modernism factors

4。 Conclusion 10

Works Cited 11

1。 Introduction 

Saul Bellow who won the Nobel literature prize in 1976 is regarded as the greatest American writer in the late 20th century。 His novels have crossed over fifty years and have combined the modernism, realism and postmodernism to some extent。 Although Bellow is regarded as a conservative among the postmodernism writers, he successfully changes the writing techniques and language usage of the postmodernism。 As for Barth, Bellow is an ideal postmodernism writer, “he doesn’t merely criticize or merely imitate, and he is the father of the modernism in 20th century or the grandfather of the pre-modernism in 19th century。 Many of the scholars and researchers have done relative studies on Bellow, but most of those researches focus on his most famous representatives, such as the Seize the Day and Herzog, while very few works have researched on the theme of postmodernism reflected in More Die of Heartbreak。 This paper will mainly adopt the literature analysis method and the literature review method so as to analyze its usage of black humor, sarcasm, and the usage of literary allusions and further analyze the theme of postmodernism features revealed in this novel。 This paper is both important in terms of theoretical and practical aspects for it has offered a new research perspective for the related researches on this work in the future and it has also acted as the references for carrying out teaching and research of this work from a new direction。 来*自~优|尔^论:文+网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766*

The novel More Die of Heartbreak superficially describes the emotional life of the narrator Kenneth and his uncle Benn who suffer from emotional setbacks and injuries。 But in a deep aspect, this novel fully displays the spiritual troubles faced by the intellectuals in the highly materially developed western modern world from the hidden。 Kenneth is a Russian literature professor and his emotional life is not satisfying。 He proposed to his child’s mother for several time but he was refused again and again。 But he would not accept the feelings and love of his tender and considerate girlfriend Dita。 His uncle Benn’s emotional life is more complex。 Benn who is an idealist and the famous botanist dreams to have a pure love and a traditional family where he could enjoy the happiness of a family。 He always pursues his ideal mate and traditional family, but to his sadness, he would feel depressed by his emotional setbacks。 After his first wife died of disease, he keeps living alone for as long as fifteen years。 During this period, he suffers a lot from the emotional failures and troubles, later he came across the young and beautiful woman called Matilda。 He felt so happy and satisfied for this young woman, thinking that he found his ideal companion。 But he didn’t realize that he was induced to the trap designed by the Matilda family。 Matilda only admires his social position and relies on him to come into the upper social class。 In order to maintain his inner fancy dream, he abandoned his belief and creed to argue for money with his uncle, which led his uncle’s death。 As a result, Benn was caught in terrible feelings out of his self-accusation and self-reproach。

















