Because there is no central computer and no central authority which controls Internet, it then grew into an academic site。 Now science and education fields use it as an electronic library and as a way to exchange information through discussion groups。 With the growth of economy, productivity, commercial communication, etc。, people widely use Internet for information exchanges because it is convenient and timesaving。 Meanwhile, with the wide use of Internet, Internet English, a new language variety with its own style, is emerging。 As we know, all living languages are constantly changing with the appearance of neologisms everyday, so is Internet English。 The Internet English neologisms include all the new words, phrases and language usages related to the emergence and application of the computer technology and network in the information age, which can be roughly pided into three categories: the first kind is the specialized terms related to computer and network; the second kind is the specialized terms related to network, or the new words produced with the development of network, for instance,cybercrime, e-cash, web TV, etc。; the third kind is netizens’ commonly used words and symbols in the chat room, e-mails and BBS。文献综述

The use of English language in the cyberspace is changing at a confounding pace。And with the popularity of Internet, English develops and changes as main language in Internet。 The network brings new ideas and things to people every day and the new vocabulary produced by it is increased at the paces of 500 words every year。 However, the dictionaries wrote by experts are far behind the appearing of the new network catchwords。 In an effort to present a better understanding of network catchwords,conventions and culture,in order to find ways to develop communication competence and achieve effective communication, this paper deals with the characteristics of new network English words by analyzing their formation and the translation。

2。Literature Review

Language is a social phenomenon which has a very close relationship with the society。 And that is to say, the emergence and development of words are all influenced by the society。 Therefore, from the social point of view, we can observe that new words will appear constantly。

Allan Metcall, a professor of English published his book Predicting New Words: the Secrets of their Success in 2002 in the United States, wrote that “new words have been appearing in our language regularly for over a thousand years, but most of them vanish in short order。 Especially doomed to obscurity are deliberate coinages, the words people invent to address a perceived need or to make a witty addition to our lexicon。 Similarly, each day in the English language at least as many thousands of new words are born。 Yet after a year’s time, only a few hundreds of these will remain as serious candidates for the dictionary and a place in our permanent vocabulary。” (Xu,56) There are three types of words in terms of their appearance and disappearance: old words, new words, and existing words。 In the course of time old words die out, new words are added and existing words change their meanings。 So the vocabulary of language is in a state of almost continuous change。

    The rate of vocabulary changes varies according to the different periods。 In the fourteenth century large numbers of French words were introduced into the English language。 In the sixteenth century large numbers of new words were borrowed from Latin。 In the nineteenth century the vocabulary of science and technology had greatly expanded。 Today the vocabulary in the English language is still expanded at a rapid speed。

The Oxford Dictionary of New Words gives the definition of ‘neologism’, which is “a new word is any word, phrase, or sense that come into popular use or enjoyed a vogue in the given period。”The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4th College Edition) gives its definition like this: “1。A new word, expression, or usage。 2。 The creation or use of new words or senses。 3。 Psychology a。 The invention of new words regarded as a symptom of certain psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia。 b。 A word so invented。 4。 Theology A new doctrine or a new interpretation of scripture。” In Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, “Neologism” is defined as “newly-invented word”, and in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, “a new word or expression, or a new meaning for an older word”。来*自~优|尔^论:文+网 +QQ752018766*

















