The Characterization of Elizabeth from Different Narrators’ Visual Angles in Pride and Prejudice on the effects of supporting roles in shaping Elizabeth’s character 

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of various supporting roles except heroine Elizabeth and hero Darcy, such as Mrs。 Casely, Collins, George Wickham, etc in shaping Elizabeth’s character。 It mainly describes these supporting roles’ language, behavior, expression and psychology to enrich Elizabeth’s character。 The empirical analysis and comparative analysis are adopted in this paper, combining detailed description, contrast, comparison and various writing techniques, including irony, humor, and exaggeration。 Standing in the perspectives of different supporting roles, the process of shaping Elizabeth’s character can be specified。 Moreover, the distinctive characteristics could also be more objective, profound and stereoscopic。75230

Keyword: supporting roles; empirical analysis; comparative analysis; stereoscopic



毕业论文关键词:配角; 实证分析法; 比较分析法; 客观立体


1。 Introduction 2

2。 Varieties of supporting roles indicate the stereoscopic character of Elizabeth 3

2。1 The Original Image of Elizabeth 3

2。1。1 The Descriptions of the Bennets and the Bingleys 3

2。1。2 The Comparisons of Mary, Charlotte and Elizabeth 5

2。2 The Contradictory Character in the Middle Stage 5

2。2。1 The Behaviors of Mrs。 Bennet and Her Younger Sisters。 6

2。2。2 The Affection with Wickham 8

2。3 The More Mature Image in the Final Stage 8

2。3。1 The Arrogance of Mrs。 Catherine。 8

2。3。2 The Conversation with Darcy's Housekeeper and the Elopement of Lydia。 10

Conclusion 11

References 12 

1。 Introduction

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice can be said to be a very attractive work。 After nearly 160 years of history, it does not fade。 Instead it has a greater influence on readers from all over the world。 The English poet, historical novelist—Scott once said, “It is at least the third time I reread Pride and Prejudice written by Austen。 She is gifted in depicting various complex trifles, inner emotions and personalities in daily life。 This talent is the most delectable thing which I have ever encountered。” 论文网

Why is the book so successful? Some Chinese experts have researched and pointed out: First of all, the author shows the true story of marriage between British squire and lady in the nineteenth Century。 Secondly, through the overall investigation of society and humanity, the author highlights both the romantic imaginations and worries of unmarried girl。 Moreover, the author also melts her own thoughts and feelings into the novel’s characters。 It helps to further clarify the views about life and marriage。 She believes that women should have the ability to look into a person’s temperament and character when she selects the marriage。 Women should also learn to make a rational judgment although she is overwhelmed with emotion。 Jane Austen is famous for shaping characters。 She uses not abstract outer descriptions, nor fine inner depictions, but with vivid dialogues and interesting plots, combined with humor, irony and contrast。 

















