Advertising is everywhere, having far-reaching influence on people’s daily life。 Advertisements deliver a variety of information and they can effectively assist the target audience to understand the exotic culture, construct the new values, the consumption stereotype and the way of life。 Therefore, cultural factors are bound to restrict advertising translation and make it become more complicated。 Ignoring the influence of culture often leads to errors in translation, which cannot hit the market goal。 Effective translation is not only beneficial to marketing, but also to contributing to cultural communication。 Advertising is a form of communication and the essence of translation is to popularize culture。 What advertising translation realizes is the significance of cultural communication。 Typical translation strategies applied in advertising translation are domestication and foreignization, which are two commonly used translation methods。 To choose which has been argued for a long time in the field of translation。 However, when we emphasize that one strategy has an edge over the other, we shouldn’t ignore their unified essence。 Dialectical unity of domestication and foreignization is much more prominent in advertising translation。  The aim and the effect of advertisements are the premise of advertisement languages。 Nowadays, many foreign brands and products break into the Chinese market successfully by advertising translation and win the recognition of consumers。(刘薇,64) Men, women and children are familiar with some famous brands, such as“ Amway”(安利),“Coca Cola”(可口可乐),“BMW”(宝马),“Pampers”(帮宝适),“Rolcx”(劳力士) and so on。 It’s not hard to tell that it is the combined application of domestication and foreignization that wins the preference of Chinese customers。 By expatiating the definition of the two strategies and comparing the two different applications, the article points out that how to choose them is depended on the social culture of the target language, the goal of translating and personal style of translators。 Meantime, it analyzes how to choose strategies in advertising translation。 This paper focuses on the flexible application of domestication and foreignization in advertising languages so as to contribute to the development of advertising translation, making target people understand the advertised product deeply and achieve the purpose of its promotion。论文网

2。 Literature Review

 As is well known, domestication and foreignization are two widely applied strategies in translation, especially in advertising translation。 Just as Schleiermacher, a German scholar, considers, translators have two methods---one is to try best not to disturb original authors, making readers close to him/her; another is to try best not to disturb readers, enabling authors close to him/her。 ( Lin Shengqiang, 43) The former is foreignization and the latter is domestication。 Nevertheless, in spite of favoring the combination of both two strategies, many scholars and experts may still prefer domestication to foreignization in advertising translation。 Take Lin Shengqiang for instance。 He stresses that domestication should be adopted by translators so as to make advertising translation meet its fundamental principles: expressive, accurate and readable。 ( Lin Shengqiang, 44) Similar to Lin Shengqiang, Zhang Lu also contends that domestication strategy aims to reduce exoticism to provide a natural and smooth translation。 She holds that domestication can solve problems skillfully when it comes to the cultural conflict。 (Zhang Lu, 397) But there are also some writers hold different opinions。 They insist that as translators, both adaptation and alienation should be given fair emphasis in advertising translation。 This is a point which is often ignored by some specialists。 However, moderate principle should be adopted in advertising translation。 Translators must take cultures and the purpose of translation into consideration。 Thus, this paper is intended to focus on the dynamic application of domestication and foreignization in advertising translations and compare the effect of using the two strategies。 Only by the dynamic interaction of the aforementioned two techniques can translators better transfer the meanings of advertisers, which achieves the publicity of advertisements。 And then consumers can purchase products they really need rather than miss them for failing understand the meanings of advertisements and at the same time companies can express what they really want to express。 That’s the real goal of advertising translation。 

















