An Ecocritical Analysis of Wordsworth’s Poetry in Lyrical Ballads Abstract With the rapid development of industrialization in human society, a new literary criticism called Ecocriticism or ecological literary criticism that studies the literature and nature relationship has been emerging。 William Wordsworth, the eminent English romantic “Lake Poet”, is not only regarded as the “worshipper of nature”, but also an ecological critic for most of his poems focusing on ecological themes。 This thesis aims at analyzing Wordsworth’s ecological views in his romantic poems selected in Lyrical Ballads in light of Ecocriticism with the core value: ecological holism。 Wordsworth’s love and reverence for nature in his poetry reflects his desire to awake people’s ecological awareness of protecting the worsening environment and to urge people to return to nature。76659

Key words: William Wordsworth; Ecocriticism; Lyrical Ballads; ecological awareness; return to nature


摘  要随着人类社会工业化的快速发展,文学领域出现了一种新生的批评流派,即生态批评流派。生态批评探究自然与文学之间的相互关系,所以也被称作为生态的文学批评。威廉·华兹华斯,英国著名的“湖畔诗人”,不仅是一个极度的自然爱慕者,同时也是一个具有生态意识的人文zhuyi者。他所创作的众多诗歌都映射着他的生态观。本文借助生态批评中的核心观点——生态整体论,来鉴赏《抒情歌谣集》中的若干名篇,并分析其中的生态思想。华兹华斯的诗歌表达了对自然的强烈的热爱和敬畏,他希望借此能唤起人们心底深藏的生态意识,保护日益恶化的自然环境,促使人们回归自然,返璞归真。

毕业论文关键词:威廉·华兹华斯;生态批评; 《抒情歌谣集》; 生态意识; 回归自然



Abstract in English2

Abstract in Chinese3


Chapter One Wordsworth’s Worship for Nature Imbued with Ecological Holism8

   1。1 Deep Intimacy with Nature8

   1。2 Profound Harmony with Nature10

Chapter Two Wordsworth’s Criticism to the Damage from the Industrialization12

   2。1 Devastating Damage to the Harmonious Relationship between Human beings and Nature。 12

   2。2 Perennial Endeavor to Find Spiritual Shelter and Belonging13

Chapter Three Back to Mother Nature 15

   3。1 Enjoying and Learning from Nature15

   3。2 Having Ecological Conception to Embrace Nature 16




1。 A Brief Review of Ecocriticism

With the booming development of industrialization, science and technology, people gain much more profound perception of the increasingly grave crisis for ecology and existence。 Therefore, in terms of the resonation of the relationship between man and nature in literature, in 1970s, there had emerged a new trend of literary criticism called Ecocriticism with a mass of ecological ideas and reevaluations。 In 1978, American scholar William Rueckert published Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecology in Iowa Review, Issue 9 where first used Ecocriticism。 Although back to 1972, Joseph Meeker had used Literary Ecology which was almost equal to Ecocriticism in his The Comedy of Survival: Studies in Literary Ecology, Literary Ecology was not widely accepted by most subsequent scholars。 In fact, Ecocriticism was officially defined by American scholars in 1990s。 Ecocriticism or ecological criticism is described by scholars as the literary criticism studying the literature and nature relationship with the guidance of ecologicalism, especially ecology holism thought (Garrard, 2004; 21) whose precondition is Decentralization that means the main characteristic of it is the emphasis of the whole and the inner relationship in the entirety not a part regarded as the core in the whole (Wang, 2003; 46-47), which is the core idea of Ecocriticism。 It is to state the entire nature’s benefit instead of the human beings’ benefit as its highest value assessment, to use such basic measurements, the preservation and protection of integrity, harmony, equilibrium and sustainable existence to evaluate everything and the ultimate standard to judge the living mode of people, science and technology, economic growth and development。(Wang, 2011;29) Ecocriticism aims to reform not only the ideology and culture but also the further transformation of the mode of living, production and society development thus to build up a new civilization where people live in harmony with nature。 It has been conveying people a message that literature should come down from the Ivory Tower to help people consciously to retrieve ecological awareness to construct an ecological civilization。论文网

















