Abstract China and Britain are main tea drinking countries, but tea cultures have obvious differences。 This thesis conducts a cross-cultural comparative study on tea cultures between China and Britain。 The thesis firstly shows us the history of Chinese and British tea culture。 The key part compares tea cultures from three cultural levels – material level, behavioral level and psychological level to introduce the classification of tea, tea environment, tea customs, tea etiquette, tea ceremony etc。 Through the comparison, it summarizes the characteristics of tea ceremony in Chinese and British tea culture。 Tea culture has deeply influenced the Chinese and British culture, the article then introduces the influences of tea culture on language usages and literary works。 At last, facing the different tea cultures, the paper makes a conclusion to develop our own tea culture under the background of globalization environment。76734

Keywords: tea culture; China; Britain; cross-cultural




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

2。1 Previous Studies on Tea 2

2。2 The Definition of Tea Culture 3

3。 Comparison between Chinese Tea Culture and British Tea Culture 4

3。1 From Material Level 4

3。2 From Behavioral Level 6

3。3 From Psychological Level 7

4。 The Influences of Tea Culture on Chinese and English 9

4。1 Tea Culture and Related Idioms 9

4。2 Tea Culture in Literature Works 10

5。 Conclusion 12

Works Cited 13

1。 Introduction

As one of the three most popular beverages of the world – tea, coffee and cocoa, tea is consumed by large number of people。 “Tea is China’s fifth contribution to mankind after the four great inventions – compass, gunpowder, paper-making and printing”, just as Joseph Needham said (Chinese Tea Museum 2)。 Tea is not only one of the symbols of China but also the important cultural fortune for the world。 Tea as an important Chinese element is often shown to the world。 Britain is the most typical country owning tea culture in the Europe。 Although British soil didn’t produce tea, with great tea consumption and trade, Britain has developed a unique tea culture, which is mixed with special British history and culture。 Chinese and British tea culture deeply affects the material and spiritual world of the people all around the world。论文网

Because of different social backgrounds, there is a great difference between Chinese and British tea culture。 This thesis makes a comparison between Chinese and British tea culture from material, behavioral and psychological level to introduce the different characteristics of tea culture。 This article focuses on the comparison of tea classification, tea house, tea etiquette and tea ceremony。 Through the comparison, we can have an intimate knowledge of Chinese and British tea culture。

















