4。2 Enriching the way of creating situational teaching 12

4。3 Designing the creation of situation overall 12

4。4 Establishing persified situational teaching evaluation system 13

Chapter Five Conclusion 15

References 16

The Application of Situational Teaching in Primary School English Teaching

Chapter One Introduction

1。1 The background

Earlier before the concept of “situational teaching” comes out, the specific behavior of situational teaching has emerged abroad。 Socrates, Greek educator, makes students think and answer questions actively by using the conversation method to create question situations。论文网

The American educator, Dewey, as the first person to put forward the concept of “situation” in a sense of education through the history, he points out that the beginning part of evoking thoughts is to create actual experience situation。

In march, 1993, the American authoritative magazine, Educational Technology, discussed the theory of situated cognition and study, which was summarized and published in the book, Opinions on Situation Study, by Hillary·McClellan in 1996。 The book specifies the theory of situated cognition and study and the practice research at every level, making the theory of situated cognition and study further develop。 

The commonplace of situational teaching in the early stage of foreign countries is not to present knowledge to students directly, but attempt to set up situation for students to think。 The thinking of situational teaching in the early stage of foreign countries emphasizes more about the function of nature on people, because of the limitations of the time。

In our country, the form of situational teaching is also very far from the source。 Our country’s great educator, Confucius, his education thought “not angry not enlighten, not unable to express or explain oneself not inspire”, the heuristic teaching, can be seen as a concrete manifestation of the situational teaching。 He believed that the way to enlighten students is to create some kind of situation。 After Confucius, Mo-tse also puts forward the idea of “Human nature, such as silk, dyed green, pale, to dye in yellow is yellow”。 He thinks the environment has an great influence on the development of people, so he pays attention to the lightening teaching atmosphere。文献综述

China’s early educators have found the environment’s great influence on people before, and have begun to select the surrounding environment。 From this we can see that people have had initial thinking on how to teach knowledge and have had some explorations on teaching method, which lays good foundations for later development of situational teaching。

In present age, Jiangsu primary school expert, teacher Li jilin, gives a high degree of attention and systematic research on situational teaching as the first person。 Her book, Situational Teaching Experiment and Research, lays a certain foundation for the development of China’s situational teaching as the first important work studying situational teaching theory in our country。 

Yu lan, a teacher in College of foreign languages, Bohai University, demonstrates that the main theoretical basis of situational teaching is modern psychology, research on brain science and the theory of emotion psychology。 Besides, Lv wenjing, who is in the Office of Guangxi Academy of Science, considers that the situational teaching is a teaching form that students learn English in the center of situational communication by creating, using or having the aid of language learning environment。

1。2 The significance and purposes

















