Abstract With the rapid development of modern techniques, large amount of foreign films and TV programs have been brought into China in recent years。 More and more audiences began to express great interest in foreign TV series and movies。 It is a modern trend to watch them in China。 So great importance has been gained in subtitle translation。 Therefore, there is necessary for researchers to conduct a research on subtitle translation。 Functional equivalence, which is proposed by Nida, regards that target audiences should understand and enjoy programs clearly and correctly as original readers do。 This thesis aims to analyze subtitle translation of Reign and its translation methods from the perspective of functional equivalence。 It is concluded that functional equivalence can be accepted as a principle to guide subtitle translation although it has some limitations。 78407

Keywords: functional equivalence; Reign; subtitle translation




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

2。1 An overview on functional equivalence 2

2。2 A brief review on subtitles translation 4

3。 Translation Methods in the Subtitle Translation of Reign under the Principle of Functional Equivalence 5

3。1 Addition 6

3。2 Omission 7

3。3 Transformation 8

3。4 Conversion 9

4。 Conclusion 11

Works Cited 12

1。 Introduction 

In recent years, foreign TV programs have gained great importance in the communication between countries。 TV series with the original sound and Chinese subtitle were appreciated by Chinese audiences。 But matched with the popularity’s fast development, far from more attention has been collected in subtitle translation in recently China’s translation area。 To be worse for people, most versions’ quality is extremely low。 No ruled regulations existed to judge qualities of subtitle versions。 Although some researches have been conducted about this area, the results are not ideally complicated。 Researches on the fixed rules of subtitle versions are necessary。 Nida concludes anything would be transferred into other language by reconstruction of phrases and words leaded by culture and emotion。 As far as his concerned, “the best translation does not sound like a translation。”(Nida,1993) It is simply adopted that there do not have two same things in the world。 Naturally, there is little possibilities to make versions totally same with the original messages。 Functional equivalence demands that target reader’s reaction matters, which is the most important thing。 A version leaded by functional equivalence theory sets a purpose to sure about the response's naturalness。 Simultaneously, this theory makes it related to culture。 Functional equivalence is naturally the most famous apartment of Nida’s advocated theory。 This dissertation makes a research about functions of subtitle from many ways, commenting on functional equivalence。 The writer chooses a section to introduce Reign。 It ends to analysis translation methods adopted in Reign’s subtitle translation from the reference of functional equivalence。 The conclusion of researches is made that the concern of a translator focus in subtitle translation is both original readers and target readers have the same reflection about programs。论文网

















