3。1 Analysis of the Content of Folk Music 5

3。2 The Literary Analysis of Folk Music Lyrics 7

4 The Significance and Influence of Bob Dylan’s Songs on American Culture 10

4。1 The Poetic Value of Bob Dylan’s Music 10

4。2 Bob Dylan’s New Way of Reading Literature on Public Culture 12

5 Conclusion 14


1 Introduction

The specific name of the origin of folk music is unknown。 Some folk songs also cannot identify their age。 They can even be regarded as a verbal heritage of the history。 However, some narrative songs produced by the traditional folk singers don’t disappear from the history books。 At the beginning, folk music was the music of the working class。 It only concerned about the specific areas of people, and rarely gained commercial success。 Folk songs include a variety of themes, such as war, work, civil rights, poverty problems, irony, of course, and love (2005:45)。 At the beginning of the history of America, Folk music appeared when people needed it most。 The songs’ history and origin should be given priority to people in order to get a better understanding of the American folk。

Folk music means refers to the music that people in their work and life create the music to express self-emotion。 With the characteristics of simplexes and clearness, the music is easy to understand and its scope of content covers labor, political protest, love, nostalgia and so on。 As the changes of history, folk songs inherit fine traditions on the basis of gradual maturity, and ultimately form a modern sense of folk。 This is the object of this paper。 Modern folk songs refer to a series of works made by academic musicians, and folk singers use the collection, imitation, processing and creation of folk music in the nineteenth and twentieth century。 文献综述

1。1The Background and Origin of Folk Music

The modern folk music is booming in the United States。 As early as the beginning of the establishment of United States, the inhabitants of the continent created rich and colorful folk music。 Traditional European American songs migrating from the middle boasted folk songs, and most of them belong to the Irish or English。 Since its birth, American folk music experienced half a century of development and achieved vigorous development in the 1960s。 On the one hand, as a kind of music, the revival of folk songs has sprung up the flourishing of many arts, which became the most beautiful moment in the history of American art (2004:34)。 On the other hand, folk songs born out of the black civil rights movement and also further contributed to various civil rights movements of the outbreak, indirectly changing the history of American history。来:自[优.尔]论,文-网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

1。2 The Definition and Development of Folk Music

The origin of the private music is not specific。 Some folk songs do not recognize their age, and may even be regarded as a historical linguistic legacy。 It only concerns about the specific areas of people and achieves rarely success in business。 With the definition of words, the private music refers to something that anyone can understand and like to share。 Folk songs boast various themes, such as war, work, civil rights, poverty, satire, and, of course, love。 In the 1960s, American workers struggled to change their status。 This time, the struggle was no longer for salaries and benefits, but for civil rights and the Vietnam War (2001:73)。 Folk singers gathered in New York cafes and country concerts of San Francisco。 In the early 21st century, due to the workers of the past nostalgia, the US folk music once again has undergone a new development。 Folk singers from New York, Boston, Austin, and San Francisco emerged in a new image。 In addition, the new generation of bluegrass singer had their own style called new grass (2001:95)。 The brands such as Red House and Lost Highway become popular and the rising stars are also passing through the American intercontinental road, bringing their voices to bars, cafes, unified Christian churches, peaceful demonstrations and indoor concerts。 Folk singers may be those who rarely get platinum sales。 However, their efforts can really resonate with the path of life for all people, and their heritage will continue to shock the world。

















