摘 要翻译是语言的一项创造性活动。由于英汉两种语言文化上的差异,在英汉翻译中运用一些翻译技巧是非常必要的。这篇论文从定义和运用等方面详细分析了增词和减词,并通过大量的例子说明英汉翻译中许多地方都用到增减词。增词减词作为翻译技巧之一变得越来越重要,恰当的使用增词减词,会使译文更加通顺自然,符合汉语的表达习惯。增词的目的是为了使译文结构更加完整,语义表达的更加清晰。减词的目的是减掉一些影响意义或修辞效果的词,省略原文中重复出现的词。83433



Abstract Translation is a creative activity of language。 Due to the differences in culture between two languages, it is necessary to use some translation techniques in English-Chinese translation。 This paper analyzes the amplification and omission in detail from the aspects of its definition and application and explains that they are used in many places of translation through many examples。 Amplification and omission as one of translation techniques become more and more important。 Using amplification and omission properly can make the version read smoothly and correspond to the expression of Chinese habits。 The purpose of amplification is to make the structure of version more complete and convey the meaning of language more clear。 The aim of omission is to cut out words that may affect the meaning or rhetorical effect and omit the repeated words in the original text。

Key words: English-Chinese translation; translation techniques; amplification; omission


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 The Factors of Translation 2

2。1 The Definition of Translation 2

2。2 The Principles of Translation 3

2。3 The Techniques for Translation 4

2。4 The Process of Translation 4

III。 Amplification in English-Chinese Translation 5

3。1 The Definition and Features of Amplification 5

3。2 The Types of Amplification 6

3。3 The Application of Amplification in English-Chinese Translation 6

IV。 Omission in English-Chinese Translation 14

4。1 The Definition and Features of Omission 14

4。2 The Principles of Omission 14

4。3 The Application of Omission in English-Chinese Translation 14

V。 Conclusion 21

Bibliography 22

Acknowledgments 23

Amplification and Omission in English-Chinese Translation

I。 Introduction

English-Chinese translation is one of the most basic skills in English learning。 It becomes more and more important in today’s world。 Translation is the link among people who speak different languages to communicate with each other。 Its ultimate purpose is to let readers understand the meaning of the original text。 At present, the standard of faithfulness and fluency is widely accepted in the translation field。 In order to achieve this standard, language should obey the thought and the form should be subject to the content。 On the one hand, words should not be added casually away from the original。 On the other hand, the text should not be cut down without authorization。 Of course, it is impossible to translate texts without omitting a word。 However, due to the differences shared by English and Chinese, word-for-word translation is impossible。

















