摘 要“语用失误”这一术语最早是由英国语言学家珍妮·托马斯在1983年提出的,她将其定义为“不能理解别人话语的含义”。语用失误不是指一般的语言运用错误,而是说话不合时宜的失误,或者说话方式不妥、表达不合习惯等导致交际不能取得预期效果的失误。随着国际交流的日益密切,语用失误逐渐成为跨文化交际失误的主要原因之一。本文将从语用学的角度,通过大量的实例对比分析中美跨文化交流中的语用失误现象,从而探究造成这种语用失误的原因,最终发现其对外语教学的启示,以达到在实际沟通中帮助学生避免或减少语用失误,提高学生的跨文化交际语用能力。83726


Abstract The term “pragmatic failure” was first pointed out in 1983 by Jenny Thomas, a British linguist, who defined it as “the inability understand what the speaker said。” Pragmatic failure is not the mistakes of using language。 It arises when a communicator can not use language appropriately。 With increasingly closer cross-cultural communication, pragmatic failure has become one of the main reasons for the breaking down of cross-cultural communication。 From the perspective of pragmatics, this paper is to comparatively analyze the phenomenons of the pragmatic failure in Sino-US cross-cultural communication through a lot of practical examples, to find out the reasons of pragmatic failure and finally explore the implications or enlightenment on foreign language teaching。 Therefore, learners can avoid and reduce pragmatic failure, and finally improve learners’ pragmatic competence in cross-cultural communication。

Key words: pragmatic failure; cross-cultural communication; reasons of failure


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。Comparative Analysis of Pragmatic Failure in Sino-US Cross-Cultural Communication

2。1 Pragmatic Linguistic Failure 3

2。2 Sociopragmatic Failure 5

III。 Analysis of Pragmatic Failure Reasons 8

3。1 Inappropriate Transference 9

3。2 Different Mode of Thinking 9

3。3 The Influence of Convention 10

3。4 The Influence of Value System 10

3。5 The Influence of Traditional Factors in Foreign Language Teaching 11

IV。 Enlightenment of the Study in Foreign Language Teaching 12

4。1 To Strengthen the Introduction of Cultural Background 12

4。2 To Strengthen the Cultivation of Communicative Competence 13

4。3 To Improve the Utilization of Multimedia Resources 14

4。4 To Create an Enriching Environment of Learning English 14

V。 Conclusion 15

Bibliography 16

Acknowledgements 17

Analysis of the Phenomena of Pragmatic Failure in Sino-US Cross-Cultural Communication

I。 Introduction

Pragmatic failure is pointed out as “the inability to understand what is meant by what is said” by British linguist Jenny Thomas。 She first clearly shows the definition of Pragmatic Failure in her Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Failure in 1983, which ushers the study on Pragmatic Failure。 She categorized the cross-cultural pragmatic failure into two categories: Pragmatic Linguistic Failure and Sociopragmatic Failure。 She discovers that pragmatic failure has appeared at any situations on which the hearer perceives the force of the speaker’s utterance as other than speaker intended she or he should perceive it (94)。 As a new branch of pragmatics, Pragmatic Failure rapidly progressed in the past twenty years。 And it has been one of the hot topics in pragmatic research。 Pragmatic failure is a very momentous research field in pragmatics and applied pragmatics。 Pragmatic failure is one of important factors which influence cross-cultural communication。 

















