The Advantages and Disadvantages of Vocal Music Group Lessons
Abstract: With the increased enrollment and the deepening reform of education, the enrollment of the colleges in the music major has been enlarged year after year, which posed somewhat challenges to the vocal music teaching in the music major of colleges. Since it is quite difficult for the traditional teaching models and methods to adapt to the needs of teaching and education, the one-to-one vocal music teaching model has never meet the increasing needs of the number of students, and it is short of teachers badly. Thus, more and more colleges are applying the vocal music group lessons into the college vocal music techniques teaching. The vocal music group lessons have become a main teaching form applied commonly by the college teachers. So the paper starts with the origin and development of the vocal music group lessons, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of vocal music group lessons, and then proposes the advice about how to change disadvantages into advantages.
Key words: vocal music teaching; the teaching models; vocal music group lessons; advantages and disadvantages
目 录
摘要 3
Abstract 3
一、 声乐小组课的起源与发展 4
二、声乐小组课有“利”的方面 4
(一)树立学习的自信心 4
(二)开阔师生的思路 5
(三)有利于加强师生互动 5
(四)有利于合作精神的培养 6
三、声乐小组课的“弊”端 7
(一)教学方法的陈旧化 7
(二)生源基础参差不齐,教师无有效的教学对策 7
(三)无个性化,削足适履的铸造学生 7
四、提高声乐小组课的效率与途径 8
(一)改变观念,端正态度 8
(二)层次的分组法 8
(三)积极参加实践活动,重视课堂讨论和总结 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11
一、 声乐小组课的起源与发展
“小组课将社会心理学的合作原理纳入教学之中,强调人际交往对于认知发展的促进功能。” [1]基本做法是将全班学生依其学业水平、能力倾向、个性特征、性别乃至社会家庭背景等方面的差异组成若干个异质学习小组,创设一种只有小组里的成员才能达到的个人目标的情境,即小组成员不仅要努力争取个人目标的实现,更要帮助小组同伴实现目标。通过相互合作,小组成员共同达到学习的预期目标。“小组合作学习将班组授课制条件下学生个体间的学习竞争关系改变为“组内合作”、“组际竞争”的关系,将传统教学与师生之间单向或双向交流改变为师生、生生之间的多向交流,不仅提高了学生学习的主动性和对学习的自我控制,提高了教学效率,也促进了学生间良好的人际合作关系,促进了学生心理品质发展和社会技能的进步,合作学习就这样发展成现在的小组课,并运用到了教学中。” [2]近年来,我国一些地方高校改革声乐课堂教学模式,也对声乐小组课这种模式进行了应用与研究。实践证明,声乐小组课这种教学模式对于声乐课的教学起到了一定的帮助作用,已成为提高教学效率的新策略之一。