摘 要:《江南style》是韩国音乐人PSY的一首K-Pop单曲,2012年7月发布以来引发“style体”的流行热潮,对流行音乐产生深远影响。本论文以这首作品对流行音乐的影响为研究视点,运用举例、对比等论证方法,着重对其丰富了流行音乐的传播方式,拓展了流行音乐新型的艺术表现手法,有效的扩大了观众群体三大影响进行深入研究,剖析《江南style》成功的原因,并引发对我国流行音乐现状的思考,在创作资源丰富的中国,只有突出民族性,表现原生态等音乐元素,才能做好中国流行音乐。5299
Gangnam Style’s Impact on Pop Music
Abstract:Gangnam style is Korean musician PSY’s single. Ever since its release in July, 2012, there has been a craze of “style body” all over the world and ithas a profound influence on pop music. This paper introduces the song. The song enriches means of transmission of pop music, broaden the ways of new types of pop music and expands audience. The paper analyzes its secrets behind the huge success and triggers discussion of the current status of China’s pop music. China’s pop music can achievesuccess only if musicians highlight national features and original status in their works.
Keywords: Jiangnan style;influence;pop music
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