摘 要:流行音乐作为当今世界的潮流音乐,已成为青少年生活中不可或缺的重要元素,潜移默化中影响着青少年的思想观念和行为方式。近年来,流行音乐通过大众媒介广泛传播,海量化的音乐信息丰富了青少年的音乐生活,开拓其视野,但其中也夹杂一些质量和艺术性不高的作品;这势必对处于人生观形成时期,缺乏鉴别能力的青少年造成不良影响。对此,本文从流行音乐概述出发,就流行音乐对当代青少年影响深入分析,探求流行音乐在青少年成长中的作用,并针对消极影响提出相应对策,以使青少年在良好的音乐文化环境中健康成长。5301
Pop Music’s Influence on Nowadays Teenagers
Abstract: Pop music as trend in the world, has become an indispensable element in a teenager’s life, imperceptibly affecting young people ideas and behaviors. In recent years, popular music widely disseminated through the mass media. Rich information enriched life of young people and broadened their vision.But works of low quality will have negative impact on teenagers who are in life and values formation period and lack the ability to identify . In this regard, this paper summarizes pop music, analyzes the impact of pop music on teenagers, explores the role pop music plays in teenagers’ life and brings measures to reduce the negative influence, in order to provide a healthy environment for teenagers.
Key Words: popular music; adolescents; influence; guide目 录