摘 要:芭蕾舞剧《大红灯笼高高挂》是导演张艺谋依据苏童的原作短篇小说《妻妾成群》所改编,这也是首次在西方芭蕾舞剧中引用中国的戏曲,两者同时出现在同一舞台上。文章通过对西方芭蕾、中国戏曲、中国民族民间舞、中国古典舞、中国传统皮影戏这五个方面的创作特征进行深入分析。深刻了解这部舞剧舞蹈动作的艺术价值之后,从而使我们更好的发扬和传承民族传统文化。38884 毕业论文关键词:芭蕾;舞剧;《大红灯笼高高挂》;创作特征;艺术价值
Ballet“the red lantern”dance moves of the creative features and artistic value
Abstract:Ballet "the red lantern" is the director zhang yimou based on su tong's original short story "the harem" adaptation, this is the first time in western ballet play reference Chinese operas, both appeared in the same stage. Article through to the Chinese opera and western ballet and Chinese national folk dancing, Chinese classical dance, Chinese traditional shadow play creation features in-depth analysis of these five aspects. Understanding this ballet dancing art value, so as to enable us to develop better and inheriting traditional culture.
Keywords:Ballet;Dance move;" The red lantern";Creation characteristic;Atistic value
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