摘 要:民乐需要不断创新,创新了才有突破,突破了才有变化,变化了才能发展。“新民乐”就是现阶段对传统民乐的一种创新,是民乐发展的道路必经之路。“新民乐”的音乐将现代人的思想内涵、情感张力和生命律动融合为新的音乐创作作品,来达到符合当代人的审美心理目的。音乐就是以乐怡人为本,演奏者的目的就是要给观众带来欢乐和享受,只要存在观众,就存在着市场,就会体现它自身的价值,显示它存在的生命力。关 键 词: 民乐; 新民乐; 音乐市场; 民乐创新;8753
“New folk music”: tradition and market duet
Abstract:Folk music need to continuous innovation, innovation is the breakthrough, the breakthrough is change, can change the development. "New folk music" is an innovation of traditional folk music, at the present stage is a key way for the folk music development path. "New folk" music will be the thought connotation, emotional tension, and the life of modern rhythm fuses for creation of new music works, in order to achieve accord with contemporary aesthetic psychology. Music is to music pleasant for this, the player is to cheer to the audience and the purpose of enjoyment, as long as there are people, there is a market that will reflect the value of its own, showing the vitality of its existence.
Key words:New folk music; folk music; music market; folk music innovation
目 录
摘 要2
Abstract 2
导 语4
一、“新民乐”的兴起 4
(一)“新民乐”产生背景 4
(二) 何为“新民乐”5
二、“新民乐”的创新 7
(二)“创新“是音乐市场发展的需要 9
三、“新民乐”市场存在问题与解决之道 10
(一)存在问题 10
1、“新民乐”的形式趋于媚俗 10
2、“新民乐”的发展缺失内涵 10
3、“新民乐”的人员素质不高 11
(二)解决之道 11
1、建立在中国本土音乐文化基础上进行改革创新 11
2、规范“新民乐”表演形式,提升艺术品位 12
3、严格落实演出市场管理细则 13
4、竭力打造属于中国民族音乐自己的品牌 13
结 论 13
致 谢 14
参 考 文 献 14