摘 要:黄梅戏原称“黄梅调”,它发源于湖北省黄梅县,后来流传入安徽并在安徽得到发展,1955年之前盱眙属安徽省,所以盱眙县境内黄梅戏也有较为广泛的流传,近些年,盱眙县内的黄梅戏获得了比较大的发展,演出市场呈现出欣欣向荣的景象,黄梅戏的市场体系日趋完善,演出形式和传播渠道丰富多样化。虽然如此它却也面临着和全国各地方剧种一样的尴尬处境,创作人才的缺失,新剧的不足,演出人员水准的下降等等。面对这一尴尬处境需要加强人才培养,推出新剧目,加强人员保障等等,本文中我将针对盱眙地区的黄梅戏发展现状,运用调查法、文献法以案例分析法等,通过查阅相关文献资料、实地探访,加以研究和总结,成比较系统的理论,促进盱眙地区黄梅戏的发展。70516
Abstract:Huangmei formerly known as "Huangmei", which originated in Huangmei County, Hubei Province, and later spread and developed into Anhui Anhui, Anhui Province Xuyi before 1955, so there Huangmei territory Xuyi more widely spread in recent years, Xuyi Huangmei prefecture obtain a relatively large development, the performance market showing a thriving scene, Huangmei maturing market system, in the form of performances and rich persity of communication channels. Nevertheless it is also faced with the national and local operas same embarrassing situation, the lack of creative talent, lack of drama, the performers levels drop and so on. Faced with this embarrassing situation need to strengthen personnel training, the introduction of new repertoire, strengthen personnel security, etc., in this article I will focus on the development status of Huangmei Xuyi area, the use of surveys, literature, etc. In case analysis, a review of relevant literature , site visits, study and summarized into a systematic theory, promote the development of Huangmei Xuyi area.
Keywords:Huangmei, Xuyi, development status, development strategy
目 录
1 前言(或引言或绪论) 3
1.1 研究目的3
1.2 研究方法3
2 盱眙地区黄梅戏的发展历史简述 3
3 盱眙地区黄梅戏的发展现状及对策4
3.1 盱眙地区黄梅戏的发展现状 4
3.2 盱眙地区黄梅戏的发展对策6
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10
1 前言
黄梅戏是我国的五大剧种之一,古时称黄梅调或采茶戏,其起源于湖北黄梅,但是却是在安庆发展起来的。黄梅戏拥有淳朴抒情的唱腔,生动活泼的表演和丰富的语言。在江淮地区有非常多的剧团,深受人们的喜爱。2006年, 第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录当中就有黄梅戏。改革开放以后外来文化的入侵导致黄梅戏在盱眙地区的发展受到不小的影响,本文以盱眙地区为例阐述黄梅戏在盱眙地区发展的现状,通过实地调查进行分析、总结,以便黄梅戏在盱眙地区得到更好的发展。
1.2 研究方法