    关键词  手工艺 面临困境 传承保护 传统 创新
    Title  Innovation of the traditional arts and crafts and   designs.                                                  
    Handicrafts,commonly known as “folk arts and crafts”,refers to the labor people's folk to meet the aesthetic requirements,and life need to obtain raw material locally, an arts and crafts handmade production mainly. The traditional arts and crafts is the cultural works of art,and daily necessities, is closely linked with people's life.Traditional folk handicraft is an important part of the excellent Chinese culture, they are like a mirror, which reflects a nation,an area of the local customs and practice sand life.Mention “traditional view handicrafts”topic,always seems to be aimed at those who once brilliant and now faces the crisis and predicament. Bring Chinese traditional handicraft topic,in many cases,and some ancient or an not suspected because crafts as industrial base of historical forms has existed for thousands of years,but the base of today has not been able to meet the needs of modern industrial development,China's industrial history in the last hundred years is actually the conversion craft foundation the foundation of modern industrial history.In the historical transition of such traditional crafts, will be gradually pumped thin,and relegated to non mainstream position, to become the industry's history of supporting. From the phenomenon, some kinds of handicrafts facing extinction or have already become extinct. In this case,if the general lifting rejuvenation of traditional crafts is obviously against the historical trend.However, if not from the industry perspective but from a cultural perspective on this issue,or from different aspects of traditional crafts and the problem from human needs persity,is not only necessary but also possible revival of traditional arts and crafts.Of course, not equal to retro revival,but with the various needs of modern society and the people, to extra reasonable gene from the traditional handicraft culture, injection or into modern life to the body, obtains the rebirth and development, get a new look and a new form of.
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