    摘要:本次毕业设计的题目是基于unity3d的新古典主义风格公寓室内设计与漫游。从现在的需求形式来看,人们对居住的要求会越来越高。随着Unity3d的研究的日趋广泛,通过使用Unity3D创建一种全新的室内家居设计模式的研究也会日趋深入。本课题旨在用3dmax实现建模,用Unity3d为虚拟现实开发平台。课题的制作流程大概分成几部分:分析设计新古典主义风格公寓室内的布局;使用3dmax建模和附材质球;各种材料的处理;用Unity 3d实现室内烘焙,模型材质的处理,灯光的处理等。项目是以Unity3d为主的虚拟漫游,虚拟漫游是一个重要的应用,用户可以在室内空间自由移动和操作,按照自己的意愿漫游基于Unity3d技术的虚拟室内,能让使用者有更加真实的体验。优秀的机上室内设计漫游越来越受到大家的青睐!20831
    毕业论文关键词:    unity3d;虚拟漫游;室内设计;新古典主义;3dmax
    Design and roaming neoclassical style apartment interior Based on Unity3d
    Abstract:     The topic of this graduation design is based on unity3d neoclassicism style apartment interior design and roaming. From the current demands, people will be living in increasingly high requirements. With the increasingly widespread Unity3d studies, Unity3D to create a new interior home design patterns through the use of research will increasingly deeper. The project aims to achieve with 3dmax modeling, virtual reality with Unity3d development platform. The process of project probably is pided into several parts: analysis of the layout of the neoclassicism style apartment interior design; modeling and attached material on 3dmax; The processing of various materials; With Unity3d indoor baking, the processing of model material, the processing of light and so on. Project based on Unity3d virtual roaming, virtual roaming is an important application, the user can free movement and operation in the interior space, according to their own intend to roaming virtual indoor based on Unity3d technology, allows users to have a more authentic experience. Excellent on interior design more and more get the favour of people.
    Keywords:    unity3d; Virtual roaming; Interior design; The neoclassical; 3dmax
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究背景和意义    1
    1.2    研究现状    2
    1.3    发展趋势    3
    1.4    研究方法    3
    2    设计分析    5
    2.1    室内设计分析    5
    2.2    可行性分析    5
    2.3    空间设计    5
    3    设计说明    7
    3.1    实现过程概述    7
    3.1.1    拟定设计方案    7
    3.1.2    素材收集和处理    7
    3.1.3    具体设计    7
    3.1.4    集成和调试修改    8
    3.1.5    设计制作流程    8
    3.2    重点难点详解    8
    3.2.1    本课题的重点    8
    3.2.2    本课题的难点    9
    3.3    各模块运行说明    9
    4    3dmax    10
    4.1    场景布局    10
    4.2    模型设计    10
    4.3    准备导出    13
    4.3.1    UVW贴图    13
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