    摘要: 随着我国城市绿化美化水平的不断升级, 单一的绿色调树种已不能满足人们的需求,对花卉新品种新技术的引进成为主导花卉产业发展水平的的关键因素之一,品种日益丰富,生产规模不断扩大,市场网络不断拓展的花卉,已成为初具市场经济形态特点、带动农民增收的朝阳产业,培养出优秀的花卉产业园区从而发展好花卉产业已经刻不容缓。 “花卉”指作为商品生产销售的盆花、盆景、切花(叶) 、种苗种球、功能性花卉原材料、观赏苗木、草坪草等。花卉产业通常是指花卉研究、开发、生产、贮运、营销及售后服务等一系列活动的综合体。此次规划设计采用调查与分析研究,文献与理论研究等方法,综合生态学、景观生态学、花卉产业园区规划设计等多学科的理论基础,系统分析现状,结合当地环境进行针对性改造与生态修复,通过花卉产业园区规划设计,打造独具特色的花卉产业园,建设与自然平衡的花卉产业园区。23590
    Modern flower industry park planning in waigang town shanghai
    Abstract:Along with our country city afforestation level rising, a single green tree species can
    not meet the demand of people, for the introduction of new varieties of new technology to
    become dominant flowers flower industry development level of one of the key factors,
    increasingly rich varieties, production scale expands unceasingly, the market network
    expanding flowers, morphological characteristics, has become a certain market economy drive
    the farmers' income industry, cultivate a good flower industry park and good development of
    flower industry is urgent."Flower" refers to as the commodity production and sales of potted
    flower, bonsai, cut flowers (leaf), seedlings ball, functional flowers, nursery stock, lawn grass
    and other raw materials.Usually refers to the flower flower industry research, development,
    production, shipping, a synthesis of a series of activities such as marketing and after-sale
    The planning design adopts the investigation and analysis research, methods of literature
    and theory study, comprehensive ecology, landscape ecology, flower industry park planning and
    design of multiple disciplines, such as the theoretical base of systematic analysis of the status
    quo, combined with the local environment to reconstruction and ecological restoration, by
    flower industry park planning and design, to create unique flowers industrial park, construction
    and natural balance of the flower industry park.
    Keyword: Flowers;Flowers industrial park;Ecological landscape;目录
    1 引言4
    1.1 项目研究背景.4
    1.2 项目研究目的及意义.4
    1.3 文献资料.5
    2 现状调研. 5
    2.1 区域环境.5
    2.2 项目概况5
    2.3 现状分析6
    2.4 主要设计规范6
    3 设计说明. 6
    3.1 设计构思7
    3.2 目标定位7
    3.3 分区规划7
    3.3.1 野生花卉种子生产区.7
    3.3.2 新优乔木种苗生产区.8
    3.3.3 地被植物种苗生产区.8
    3.3.4 水生花卉种苗生产区.8
    3.3.5 球根花卉种苗生产区.8
    13.3.7 特色花卉生产展示区.9
    3.3.8 宿根花卉种苗生产区.9
    3.3.9 观赏草种苗生产区.9
    4 结束语. 9
    参考文献. 10 1.引言
    1.1 项目研究背景
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