    关键词  家用 税务 概念 物联网5377
    Title    The innovative product design based on the Internet
     of things ----   Domestic tax machine design  
    The graduation project is aimed at the innovative product design based on the Internet of things --- Domestic tax machine design. On the Platform , the Internet of Things , we need to design a convenient product for people's life with excellent innovation. We often walk from here to there for solving a series of complicated tax bills. Due to this problem ,our project aims to search and develop a kind of conceptual product. By understanding the structures of the similar function and the design elements of outer shape and how the innovative product design can be applied to family life,we try to design one which is  in line with the house indoor environment style and meet the users' emotional needs, resulting the different market segments to fulfill its function. Through the study of this subject, we are able to deepen the understanding of the design applied to the methods and procedures in the actual product, understanding the design focuses on exploring product features ,the relationship of the Internet of Things and products through the modeling details to reflect the value of the product, enhancing ability to combine design theory and practice.
    Keywords   Domestic   Tax   Concept   Internet of Things
      目   次  
    1    引言(或绪论)  1
    1.1  课题简介与设计目标   1
    1.2  基于物联网的家用税务机简介    1
    1.3  物联网系统的现状与发展趋势    2
    1.4  当前技术支持    3
    1.5  课题的现实意义    3
    2  具体设计方案的研究过程     4
    2.1  要解决的问题与计划安排  4
    2.2  设计调研   5
    2.3  设计风格定位    9
    2.4  设计草图初步     10
    2.5  产品的色彩、材料及加工工艺  11
    2.6  最终方案阐述     12
    2.7  模型制作   21
      2.8  设计版面制作   22
    2.9  论文撰写    22
    3  设计理论    22
    3.1  人机工程参数   23
    3.2  人性化设计   24
    4  设计感想    24
    结论   25
    致谢   26
    参考文献   27
    1  引言
    1.1  课题简介与设计目标
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