    毕业论文关键词】 五谷杂粮    包装设计  设计定位  中国传统元素
    Abstract: As China's economy continues to develop, people's living standards and continuously improve the quality of dietary structure has undergone many changes, consumption of rice and flour and other staple varieties can not satisfy consumer demand, people green food, health food, the more rare boutique increasingly popular. Coarse grains its unique nutrition, health, green features, will be more and more people know that for coarse grains development of great significance. At the same time in the modern era of rapid development, the people's cultural level is getting higher and higher, people's aesthetic concepts also rise. As a series of agricultural products, especially whole grains, its packaging can be attractive, able to arouse people's desire to purchase is essential. China's traditional culture is profound, five grains packaging can take advantage of our own culture, according to the psychological needs of consumers, stimulate and guide consumers to their emotional resonance, and literate is the arts. Try design and culture with the development of green, organic small grains production of high-grade packaging, take the high-end market to meet market demand, improve quality, reflecting its more nutrition, health, convenience and cultural features.
    This article on the "whole grains Series Package" design processes and methods, as well as whole grains series packaging design elements, artistic characteristics and expressions are analyzed and studied. The main work focused on: understand the status of the series at home and abroad cereals and whole grains packaging design packaging design series of production methods and specific application, learn many cereals series packaging design analysis. Then for the research project design orientation; graphic design and production of works in the packaging design process using the software production tools; to plan for proofing color correction and adjustment plane elements; complex of finished products; and finally cereals Series packaging design were analyzed and summarized. Throughout the "whole grains Series Package" in the design process is the most refreshing line drawing, seal, seal cutting and other traditional Chinese elements throughout the packaging design shows national style but also has a cultural and historical artistic effect. Its significance lies in enhancement of Chinese traditional culture inheritance and development to further understand the profound and unique aesthetic feelings of the Chinese traditional decorative arts and crafts and practical significance.
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