    Research of the Development of Creative Agriculture in Jiangsu Province
    Abstract:Creative agriculture is based on the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products, uses creative and innovative thinking, makes the arts, science and technology, culture and other elements into agriculture, broadens the industrial chain of agricultural products, combined with political and economic development of agricultural products in deep industry, agricultural tourism industry, in order to achieve the increase of agricultural production and farmers' income and rural prosperity of the production methods and lifestyles, full of creativity、imagination and artistic appeal. This paper summarizes the history, definition and characteristics of creative agriculture, and discusses the ways and methods of developing creative agriculture in Jiangsu with the present situation of creative agriculture development in Jiangsu.
    Key words: Creative Agriculture;Landscape Planning;Jiangsu Province;Success experience
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract.    1
    Key words:    1
    前言(引言)    1
    1 创意农业    1
    1.1创意农业的定义    1
    1.2创意农业的特征    2
    1.2.1一种将农产品创意化的产业    2
    1.2.2一种融合文化、艺术、科技的产业    2
    1.2.3一种与多种产业高度结合的产业    2
    1.3小结    2
    2 国内外研究概况    3
    2.1国外研究    3
    2.1.1国外理论研究    3
    2.1.2国外实践模式    3
    2.2国内研究    4
    2.3小结    4
    3 江苏省创意农业发展分析    4
    3.1江苏省创意农业实践    4
    3.1.1南京嘉年华    4
    3.1.2无锡阳山水蜜桃    4
    3.1.3高淳国际慢城    4
    3.2江苏省创意农业发展展望分析    5
    3.2.1与现代科技结合,发展科技型创意农业    5
    3.2.2结合文化打造特色小镇,发展文化型创意农业    5
    3.2.3与二三产相互结合,发展功能型创意农业    5
    3.2.4始终贯彻绿色理念,发展生态型创意农业    5
    3.2.5结合互联网营销,发展服务型创意农业    6
    3.3小结    6
    结论    6
    4扬中圣大农渔生态观光园规划设计说明    6
    4.1 项目概况    6
    4.2 区位分析    6
    4.3发展优劣势    7
    4.4规划目标    7
    4.5 设计理念    8
    4.5.1“城市—郊区—乡间—田野”    8
    4.5.2“自然”    8
    4.5.3“人文”    8
    4.6设计原则    8
    4.7设计手法    9
    4.8总体设计    9
    4.8.1 功能分区    9
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