    摘 要留守儿童,众所周知,社会都普遍存在和认识的一个现象。而面对一个普遍存在的问题的时候,大家在心里和视觉上都会存在一种忽略感和平视感。当只有看到比较可怜的留守儿童的时候,社会人的普遍心里有的就是同情心。在现代社会当中,关爱留守儿童的普遍方式就是某个组织进行送爱心的活动,进入到留守儿童集中的地方,为他们送去学习用品,生活用品。相关性的政策也就是,针对较为贫困的留守儿童家庭,相关政府会发放扶助金,以此来帮助留守儿童。这些送爱心等等的一些行为,给留守儿童送去的仅仅是物质上的帮助和经济上慰藉。33843
    毕业论文关键词:留守儿童  公益广告  关爱 
    Abstract   Left-behind children, is well known, are common social and understanding of a phenomenon. And face a common problem, everyone in the heart and there is a kind of ignored on the visual sense depending on the sense of peace. When only see a poor left-behind children, the society of some common heart is compassion. In the midst of modern society, care for left-behind children's universal way to send the compassion activity, is an organization where centralized into the left-behind children, sent to school supplies for them, and supplies. Correlation policy is, in view of the left-behind children of poorer families, related government will assist gold, to help left-behind children. These send love and so on some of the behavior, to left-behind children sent to only the material help and economic comfort.
        The graduation design topic care left-behind children, is want to awaken people to the true meaning of real help and care left-behind children. In terms of material and economic help, in fact a lot of left-behind children in the family, family economy is not difficult, only under some realistic problems, parents to choose to work outside. Left-behind children in poor families, with the help of the material for many outside, just in a certain period of left-behind children have made a certain help and the family economic relief, this is not a long-term solution, and so on the surface, the outside world in constant to help left-behind children, but it can't solve it at the root of the problem. Love theme of left-behind children, is that the word "love". Why do left-behind children need love? They have what different/why do you want to pay special attention to? What kind of love they want? You give is what they want?

    第一部分 项目简介与毕业设计创作分析说明
    (一) 项目名称•9
        (优尔)项目目标及意义  •9
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