    Planning and Design of Four seasons orchard in Suzhou
    Abstract:With the deteriorating environment of the city people and improve the quality of life requirements, regardless of public opinion or policy guidance, in promoting people's attention back to natural ecological civilization, in recent years, Mr Xi "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets." construction thought is the construction of the people look into agriculture sightseeing in this area, and an important part of sightseeing orchard as a leisure agricultural sightseeing garden, to have a certain scale of construction and development efforts. In this paper, through the search and analysis for personal reading related literature at home and abroad, starting from the planning design of Suzhou Cheng Lake Four seasons orchard of this project, described the characteristics, connotation and content of sightseeing orchard planning and design elements.
    Key words: sightseeing orchard; design; nature; connotation; Essential factor
    目  录

    摘要    4
    关键词    4
    Abstract    4
    Key words    4
    引言    4
    1综述    4
    1.1观光果园概况    4
    1.2观光果园的发展背景及意义    5
    1.2.1观光果园的发展背景    5
    1.2.2观光果园的发展意义    5
    1.3观光果园的发展状况    5
    1.3.1观果果园国外发展状况    5
    1.3.2观果果园国内发展状况    6
    1.4观光果园的规划设计    6
    1.4.1园区选址    6
    1.4.2规划设计指导思想    6
    1.4.3规划布局原则    6
    1.4.4景观规划    7
    1.4.5景观设计原则    8
    1.4.6景观要素设计    8
    1.5结语    9
    2苏州澄湖四季果香园规划设计说明    9
    2.1场地概况分析    9
           2.1.1区位分析    9
           2.1.2周边环境    9
    2.1.3自然条件    9
    2.1.4交通条件    9
    2.1.5社会经济发展状况    9
    2.1.6历史文化    10
    2.2 swot 分析    10
    2.2.1优势    10
    2.2.2劣势    10
    2.2.3机遇    10
    2.2.4挑战    10
    2.3设计依据    10
    2.4设计理念与构思    10
    2.4.1设计理念    10
    2.4.2设计构思    10
    2.5分区规划    10
    2.5.1活动休闲区    10
    2.5.2游览观光区    11
    2.5.3采摘体验区    11
    2.6竖向、种植与建筑规划    11
    2.6.1竖向设计    11
    2.6.2种植设计     11
    2.8结语    12
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