    法,增强了设计理论与实践相结合的能力。关键词  疲劳驾驶  环境  价值  系统设计6456
    Title Modeling design and research of Fardriver Technology  Driver fatigue warning system                               
    The goal of the graduation design is the modeling and structure design of
    Driver fatigue warning system.  With full understanding of the work
    principle,  internal device  and use method of this kind of product, further
    improvement is done for the modeling and structure to make the products
    applied to modern family car, meet the style of the interior environment
    of the vehicle and satisfy the corresponding emotional needs of the user,
    finally perform more functions in different market segments. Through the
    research on the topic the understanding of methods and procedures of
    application of design is improved.  In the graduation design the
    relationship of product modeling and environment and the method to reflect
    product value with the product details is intensively explored. In this
    process the capacity to combine design theory and practice is enhanced.
     Keywords    Fatigue driving  Environment  Value  System Design
      本科毕业设计说明书(论文)   第 Ⅰ 页  共 Ⅰ 页  目   次   
    1  引言(或绪论)„  1
    1.1  现实课题简介与设计目标    1
    1.2  疲劳驾驶的背景知识  „ 1
    1.3  疲劳驾驶预警系统简介   2
    1.4  市场背景  „ 2
    1.5  疲劳驾驶预警系统的现状    3
    1.6  疲劳驾驶预警系统主要技术  „  3
    1.7  课题的现实意义  „  3
    2  研究过程和理论依据  „  4
    2.1  设计的过程和所要解决的问题  „  4
    2.2  设计理论  „  15
    2. 3  人机工程参数   17
    3  具体设计方案阐述  „ 17
    3.1  产品造型设计  „17
    3.2  产品结构设计  „  19
    3. 3  产品外观尺寸及三视图  „  21
    3.4  产品的材料及加工工艺    22
    4  设计感想    23
    结论   24
    致谢   25
    参考文献    26      
    1  引言
    1.1  课题简介与设计目标
    活变得更加便捷和丰富。20 世纪初,由于福特 T 型车的诞生现代汽车走入了千千万
    万寻常百姓家。20 世纪90年代,现代经济发展迅速,人们对于汽车的期待不仅仅在
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