    摘要: 在现代儿童家居中,儿童画板的存在为小朋友们增加了无穷的乐趣,同时也为儿童及父母带来了一种全新的交流方式。在家居环境中,儿童会用彩色画笔在画板以外的地方乱涂乱画,这会给家长造成困扰。对儿童画板造型改良,设计成更符合儿童这一时期心理喜好的样式,则会解决这一问题,吸引儿童只在画板上进行绘画。在儿童掌握绘画这一表达方式之后,家长可以通过这种方式与孩子进行交流。家长喜欢把儿童绘画作品拍照保存,因为这也是对儿童成长的另一种记录方式。对现有的传统儿童画板重新设计,将有拍照功能的装置与儿童画板结合,设计出符合现代智能儿童家居的画板,则会减少家长为其儿童作品拍照的工作量,同时也保证了每一次拍出来的绘画电子稿的质量。39785
    The Design of Children`s Intelligent Drawing board
    Abstract: In the modern children's household, the intelligent children`s drawing board increase a lot of fun for the kids, it also brings a new way of communicating between children and parents. In the home environment, children will use these color brush graffiti outside of the drawing board, it will cause distress to parents. To improve the shape of children's drawing board, design more in line with the style of children's psychological preferences in this period, we will solve this problem, and in the same time it will attract children to paint only on the drawing board. Parents can communicate with their children in this way after children master the expression of painting. Parents like to take pictures for children's paintings, because this is another way to record the growth of children. Redesign the existing traditional children's drawing board, the combination of photo taking device and children drawing board, it will reduce the parents to take pictures of the children's work, designed to meet the modern intelligent children home board , but also to ensure the quality of every electronic painting.
    Keywords: Children, Intelligent Drawing board, drawing, save pictures
    目 录
    摘要    I
    目 录    III
    第一章 前言    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 研究的目的和意义    2
    1.3 研究现状和主要内容    3
    第二章 研究方法和技术路线    4
    2.1 研究方法    4
    2.1.1前期调研    4
    2.1.2概念形成    5
    2.1.3工程图与三文模型    5
    2.1.4 模型制作    5
    2.1.5 后期整理    6
    2.2技术路线    6
    第三章 设计调研和设计分析    7
    3.1 设计前期调研分析    7
    3.1.1 儿童绘画的发展    7
    3.1.2 儿童智能画板的功能与结构    7
    3.1.3儿童智能画板的展望    8
    3.2 市场调研分析    9
    3.3 归纳确定设计方向    9
    第四章 设计构思    11
    4.1 设计定位    11
    4.2 设计原则    12
    4.3 设计构思    13
    4.4    构思草图    14
    第五章 设计方案和分析    17
    5.1 设计方案    17
    5.1.1 效果图    17
    5.1.2 实物模型    19
    5.2 方案分析    21
    5.2.1 功能、造型分析    21
    5.2.2材质分析    22
    5.2.3色彩分析    22
    5.2.4主要尺寸说明和依据    23
    总结与展望    24
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