    The use of modern flower patterns on the packaging of tea
    Modern flower designs from all over the world people's favorite, the flower pattern used in the packaging design, not only to meet popular aesthetic view, can also be performance, idea of some products more accurately convey to the public. The use of modern flower patterns on the tea packaging, is conducive to the public understanding and love of flowers. Based on the analysis of the packaging design of modern flower decoration, expressions and cultural significance around the flower pattern, make modern flower pattern how reasonable combination to the package.
    Packaging, it directly life for the public service, is the brand communication between producers and consumers of affection. In today's era of brand competition, it has become a commodity sales promotion, publicity, an important factor in the creation of the brand. Therefore, let the packaging products in the same difference form displayed in front of the public, is to improve the consumer demand for the product packaging.
    Modern flower pattern as one of the packaging design effectively convey information element, help to meet the aesthetic view of consumers, to achieve sales of goods, and will promote the better development of Chinese modern packaging design.
    Keywords:  modern; packing; ramage; marry
    摘要 1
    绪论 4
    一、包装设计在市场中的调查状况 5
    (一)    花茶是女性使用的产品 5
    (二)    花茶包装的来历及影响 5
    (三)    调研国内外花茶包装的表现形式 6
    二、现代花卉图案的种类和风格 6
       (一)  现代花卉图案的种类 6
       (二)  花卉图案在包装上的运用 6
    三、“Natural Aroma”包装设计的思路 7
    (一)    “Natural Aroma”最初思路 7
    (二)    制作包装设计的过程 7
    四、结论 8
    参考文献 9
    致谢 9
    本文介绍对花茶的认知和理解,运用设计美学、消费心理学等研究方法,结合花茶自身的性质,获得商业经济效益最大化的利益,同时满足大众对实用的、情感的、心理的等 消费方面的追求。包装上不断地注入花茶有益于人体健康的功效、视觉效果等,将视觉的审美性融入其中,使花茶通过包装更加完美的展现自己的特性。把审美与花茶紧密结合起来,用美增强其美的艺术感染力,在最大程度上满足大众日新月异的审美心理需求。
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