毕业论文关键词 木活字;工艺;新媒体;创新;交互界面设计
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title "Movable" Type: the Rebirth of Wood Movable-Type The Development and Innovation of Wood Movable-Type under the Modern Aesthetic Demand
Abstract The author conducted a field study on Dongyuan village, Rui’an city, the place of origin of wooden movable-type printing, interviewed Wang Chaohui, the national inheritors of wooden movable-type printing technology, for several times (as in picture 1), and analyzed the history and development of wooden movable-type printing carefully and intensively, thus the author has handled a lot of first hand materials, trying to explore something in wooden movable-type printing that are consistent with modern designs。 The author combines the field study and the problem-oriented design method to explore and study wooden movable-type printing’ procedures and aesthetic connotations, refines the ideology of material making in wooden movable-type printing, and shows the development of wooden movable-type printing and its process features through modern design words, multimedia and interaction design, thus the author makes nearly vanishing wooden movable-type printing more conform to modern aesthetics and realize the real reappear of living culture in real records。
Keywords:wood-movable type; craft; new media; innovation; user interface design
目 次
1 引言 1
2 课题背景 1
3 木活字源起 2
3。1 木活字历史发展 2
3。2 字体 2
3。3 工具 3
3。4 梓辑 3
3。5 木活字字模制作 3
4 木活字的传承 4
5 木活字的创新 4
5。1 “活”字:梨墨春秋APP设计构思 4
5。2 梨墨春秋APP设计说明 7
结论 20
致谢 21
1 引言
2 课题背景