摘 要:赵孟頫不仅是元代书坛托古改制,借古开今的领军人物,而且在整个书法史上成就突出,影响深远。本文以赵孟頫的书论以及相关史料为依托,分别从赵孟頫书法对古人的继承与发展两个方面进行研究,包括他的师承取法(本文主要以二王为主分析)、崇古思想、书法创新等方面。最终得出结论赵孟頫的书法成就并不只是一的复古,而是他把继承与发展联系了起来,在继承古人的基础上有所变化,并且形成了自己的书体“赵体”。赵孟頫的书法之路给当今的学书者以很好的启迪,我们既要深学一家,又应博采众长;既要尊重“古法”,又要掌握丰富的创变技巧。62735
Abstract: Zhao Mengfu calligraphy is not only Yuan Dynasty hold ancient restructured, past opened this leader, but throughout the history of calligraphy, prominent and influential. This paper to rely on Zhao Mengfu's calligraphy theory and related historical materials, from Zhao Mengfu calligraphy to study the inheritance and development of the ancients, including his teacher-student by extraction (dominated by two Kings in this paper analyses), worship of ancient ideas and innovation of calligraphy and so on. Concluded: Zhao Mengfu's calligraphy accomplishment was just retro, but he links up with inheritance and development, changes in Hong Kong on the basis of inheriting the ancients, and develop his own style of "zhaoti". Zhao Mengfu's calligraphy of the road for today's inspiration of the book to do well, we need deep and absorbing; we want to uphold the "ancient law", but also master the rich innovation skills.
Key word: Zhao Mengfu, calligraphy, ancient, now
1 前言 3
2 复古思想影响下赵孟頫书法“古”之表现3
2.1 赵孟頫书法“则古”思想的表现4
2.2 赵孟頫书法之“古法”的表现8
3 赵孟頫书法个人面目“今”之表现10
3.1 赵孟頫对二王等书家书法的发展10
3.2 赵孟頫对禅意的理解及创新13
4 赵孟頫复古思想及书法艺术对后世的影响14
结论 16
参考文献 17
致谢 18
1 前言