The xue long research examines the design of a plant landscape in the core of the domestic base
Abstract:With the rapid development of economy, the continuous improvement of living standards, people are also more strict to the environment, so the plant landscape design also plays an important role. In this paper, according to the current situation of the current base, follow the principle and principle of plant design, from the plant partition configuration to reflect the garden plant design ecology, functionality and aesthetics.
Key Words:landscape;Plant;Landscape Design
1. 引言 3
2. 上位设计概况 4
3.基地现状分析 4
3.1地理位置及基地现状 4
3.2气候特征及植被类型 4
3.3土壤条件及地形 4
3.4光照和水 5
4. 种植设计主题 5
5. 种植设计原则 6
5.1以人为本原则 6
5.2因地制宜原则 6
5.3可持续发展原则 6
6. 植物分区设计 6
6.1一级分区 7
6.1.1极地汀步植物区 7
6.1.2极地广场植物区 7
6.1.3极地行道植物区 7
6.2二级分区 7
6.2.1桂花林种植区 7
6.2.2灌木种植区 8
6.2.3樱花林种植区 8
6.2.4亲水及水生植物种植区 8
6.2.5常绿观叶区 8
6.2.6观花植物区 9
6.2.7季节性观叶植物区 9
7. 节点详细设计 9
7.1“樱花水畔之旅” 9
7.2“热带反萌差” 9
7.3“唯紫独尊” 10
7.4“银杏隧道” 10
7.5“桂花雨” 10
8.结束语 10
致 谢 10
参考文献 11