摘 要 自伤行为是一种常见于自闭症儿童的危害性极大的挑战性行为,它严重破坏学生的身体健康,影响其正常生活学习活动,干扰教师授课与学生学习等。本研究采用AB-AB实验设计,以功能性行为评估为基础,研究对象为1名杭州市某培智学校三年级自闭症儿童,对其自伤行为进行积极行为支持为导向的干预。研究在自然教学情境下对被试自伤行为进行功能性行为评估,并以评估结果为依据运用前因控制策略、行为训练技术和后果控制策略实施干预。视觉分析、C统计分析结果表明,该自闭症儿童自伤行为下降趋势明显,说明以功能性行为评估为基础的积极行为支持为导向的干预在改善自闭症儿童自伤行为中显示出良好效果。85320
Self-injurious behavior is a challenge behavior which is common in autistic children。 It seriously undermines the health of students, affects their normal life learning activities, interferes with teachers' teaching and student learning。 In this study, AB-AB experimental design was used to evaluate the behavioral behavior of the third grade autistic children from a Hangzhou special school, and a positive behavior-based intervention was conducted。 In this paper, the functional behavioral assessment of the self-injurious behavior of the subjects was conducted in the context of natural teaching, and the intervention strategy was adopted based on the evaluation results, and the intervention strategies were used to implement the training strategies, behavior training techniques and consequence control strategies。 Visual analysis and C statistical analysis showed that the autistic behavior of children with autism decreased significantly, indicating that positive behavior-based intervention based on functional behavior assessment showed good behavior in improving self-injury behavior of autistic children effect。
毕业论文关键词:自闭症儿童; 自伤行为; 功能性行为评估; 行为干预; 个案研究
Keyword: Autistic children;Self-injury behavior;Functional behavior assessment;
Behavioral interventions;Case studies
目 录
1。前言 1
1。1自闭症概述 1
1。2自伤行为概述 1
1。3功能性行为评估的提出 1
2。研究方法 2
2。1研究对象 2
2。1。1被试基本情况 2
2。1。2被试自伤行为基本情况 2
2。2研究工具 3
2。2。1《自伤行为相关情况访谈表》 3
2。2。2《自伤行为ABC观察记录表》 3
2。2。3《强化物调查问卷》 3
2。3研究框架和研究设计 3
2。3。1研究框架 3
2。3。2研究设计 4
3。研究过程 4
3。1自伤行为的界定 4
3。2数据收集 5
3。3自伤行为功能分析 7
3。4自伤行为功能假设验证 8
3。5功能性行为干预 8
3。5。1数学课堂针对社会性正强化的干预策略 8