    关键词  输入成形、反馈控制、鲁棒、粒子群算法、多模态系统
    Title    Study on Input Shaping Control for Flexible System                    
    The flexible system is a widely used system, ranging from nanopositioning devices to large industrial cranes. Input Shaping is a kind of feedforward control technology to reducing unwanted transient deflection. The method works by creating a command signal that cancels its own vibration. That is, Input Shaping is implemented by convolving a sequence of impulses with any desired command, then the shaped command that results from the convolution is used to move the flexible system without vibration.
    This thesis first expressed the importance of the Input Shaping techonlogy. Then, summarized various Input Shaper design, including the ZV(Zero Vibration) Shaper, ZVD(Zero Vibration and Derivative) Shaper, ZVDD Shaper, UMZV(Unity Magnitude Zero Vibration) Shaper and so on, and the performance of their control were compared. This paper also introduced a joint control strategy of the input shaper and PID controller, proposed particle swarm optimization algorithm to determine the input shaping and PID controller parameters . At last, we would discuss how to design Input Shaper for the Multi-mode system.
    Keywords  Input Shaping, Feedback Control, Robust, PSO, Multi-mode system
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  输入成形技术简介    1
    1.2  本文主要内容    4
    2  输入成形器设计方法    5
    2.1  ZV输入成形器    5
    2.2  ZVD输入成形器    7
    2.3  ZVDD输入成形器    8
    2.4  UMZV输入成形器    9
    2.5  ZV、ZVD、ZVDD、UMZV输入成形器的鲁棒性    9
    2.6  EI输入成形器    10
    2.7  双峰EI输入成形器    11
    2.8  EI、双峰EI输入成形器的鲁棒性    11
    2.9  本章小结    12
    3  输入成形器抑制剩余振动的仿真研究    13
    3.1  输入成形器抑制剩余振动的仿真结果    13
    3.2  输入成形器控制性能分析    16
    3.3  本章小结    18
    4  输入成形器与PID控制器的联合控制策略    19
    4.1  理论基础    19
    4.2  基于粒子群算法的联合控制器设计    19
    4.3  联合控制器仿真与分析    22
    4.4  本章小结    24
    5  多模态输入成形器控制策略    25
    5.1  理论基础    25
    5.2  双模态ZV成形器设计    25
    5.3  双模态ZVD成形器设计    26
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