    关键字  智能交通系统  车辆检测与跟踪  车辆计数  OpenCV1.0
    Title    Algorithm Research of Moving Vehicle Detection  and tracking                                    
    Transportation plays a very important role in people’s daily life.Recently,with the increase of cars, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) has attracted researchers’ attention in transportation field. Meanwhile, vehicle detection and tracking is an important part of ITS. The article meanly studies the detection and tracking of moving vehicles based on video, and achieves the algorithms of moving vehicle detection and tracking.At the same time,the function of vehicle counting is also finished.
    The paper separates vehicles from the background by background difference method.And the algorithm of vehicle tracking is based on contour.In the paper,VC6.0 and OpenCV1.0 are used to establish the software platform,realizing the vehicle detection and tracking algorithm based on road surveillance video.The experimental results show that the method proposed can achieve vehicle tracking and counting function better.

    Keywords  Intelligent transportation system  Vehicle counting
              Moving vehicle detection and tracking  OpenCV1.0
    目   次

    1  引言    1
    1.1  课题研究背景与意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  本文的主要研究内容及章节安排    3
    2  视频车辆检测与跟踪系统的基本组成    4
    2.1  车辆检测与跟踪系统结构    4
    2.2  软件平台    4
    3  车辆检测算法研究与实现    7
    3.1  图像处理    7
    3.2  运动车辆检测常用方法    10
    3.4  三种车辆检测算法的比较    12
    3.5  车辆检测系统流程图    14
    4  车辆跟踪算法研究与实现    15
    4.1  常用的车辆跟踪算法    15
    4.2  本文跟踪算法的实现    16
    4.3  车辆计数    18
    5  系统运行及分析    20
    5.1  界面设计    20
    5.2  运行具体步骤    21
    5.3  运行结果分析    22
    结  论    24
    致  谢    25
    参 考 文 献    26
    1  引言
    1.1  课题研究背景与意义
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