    摘要:    随着现代社会的发展,计算机通信技术的应用更加广泛,这对数据传输过程中的可靠性要求也越来越高。因而在这信息技术发展和实际需要的不断推动下,可以提高数字传输可靠性的纠错编码孕育而生。其中线性分组码是一类常用的编码, 具有高编码效率, 实现较简单以及检纠错能力较强等特点。因此,研究纠错码具有着现实的意义。
    本文主要讨论的是线性分组码、汉明码、循环码、RS码和BCH码。通过对数字通信系统功能模块结构图的分析, 根据Simulink工具箱所能提供的功能模块, 选取线性分组码的编解码器, 搭建起简单的具有差错控制功能的通信传输系统。对传输系统进行了通信实验仿真, 根据仿真结果, 对线性分组码的差错控制能力进行了分析, 总结出不同线性分组码的差错控制特点及检纠错的能力。22211
    毕业论文关键词:    纠错编码;线性分组码;汉明码;RS码;BCH码
    Simulation of Linear Block Codes Based on Matlab
    Abstract:     With the development of modern society, computer and communication technology are applied more widely , and the requirements of data transmission reliability are increasing. Thus in the constant promotion of information technology and practical needs, error correction codes which can improve the reliability of digital transmission were born out. Linear block code is a kind of common coding with high coding efficiency, simpler achievement and stronger detection and correction capabilities, etc. Therefore, the study has practical significance on error correction codes.
        This paper discusses linear block codes, Hamming code, RS code and BCH code. According to the analysis of digital communication system structure diagram of the functional modules and simulink toolbox , it can select the codec of the linear block code to erect a simple err or control communication transmission system. Then simulated the system, based on the simulation results, analysed the error control capabilities of linear block codes, finally summed up error control characteristics and err or correction capabilities of the different linear block codes.
    Keywords:    Error correction codes; Linear block codes; Hamming code; BCH code; RS code
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2    课题的发展及应用    1
    1.3    课题的主要内容    2
    2    通信系统与纠错编码    3
    2.1    通信系统    3
    2.2    调制解调    4
    2.3    纠错码    4
    2.3.1    信源编码    4
    2.3.2    信道编码    4
    2.4    MATLAB软件    5
    2.5    SIMULINK模块    5
    3    线性分组码及其子码    7
    3.1    线性分组码    7
    3.1.1    线性分组码的编码    7
    3.1.2    线性分组码的译码    8
    3.1.3    检纠错能力    9
    3.2    汉明码    11
    3.3    循环码    11
    3.3.1    循环码的编码    12
    3.3.2    循环码的译码    13
    3.4    BCH码    13
    3.4.1    BCH码的编码    14
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