    Large space for simulation training facilities-Data  monitoring, control and remote transmission
    Abstract:Fire control simulation training system is used to simulate the fire scenario, firefighters can again the realistic fire scenarios for training and fire fighting operation training, exercise their ability of fast response and security, improve the level of fire extinguishing of actual combat. This paper studies large combustion pool tank parts, flat on the control system hardware and software design scheme of the comprehensive description. According to the requirement of the system control function, make sure the Siemens S7-200 PLC as the core, industrial computer control system for real-time monitoring body, the industrial Ethernet and fieldbus control system of building data communication network, using software to write the PLC program, and program debugging. In view of the nonlinear control system, it is difficult to establish accurate mathematical model etc., so I use the PID control technology. Results show that this adaptive control ability is strong, fast response, to faster to reach the preset temperature in the system, to simulate different fire of oil tank fire scenario firefighters, meet the needs of firefighter training, improve the rate of fire.
    KeyWords:The fire; Success: training; Simulation training;PLC;PID。
    第一章 绪论    6
    1.引言    6
    2 .国内外现状    6
    3 消防模拟训练基地系统介绍    7
    3.1 油罐    7
    3.2 监控系统    8
    4. 消防模拟训练设施功能设计概述    9
    4.1 建筑火灾扑救    9
    4.1.1 设施构成    9
    4.1.2 模拟功能    10
    4.2化学事故救援    10
    4.2.1 危险化学品槽(罐)车    10
    4.2.2 石油化工装置    11
    4.3 地下工程火灾扑救    11
    4.3.1 地铁模拟训练区    12
    4.3.2 公路隧道模拟训练区    12
    4.3.3 地下商场模拟训练区    13
    4 .4交通事故救援    13
    4.4.1 高架轻轨模拟训练区    13
    4.4.2 公路交通模拟训练区    14
    4.4.3 船舶模拟训练区    15
    4.4.4 飞机模拟训练区    17
    5 烟热训练室    18
    6 建筑倒塌    19
    第二章PID控制    19
    1.PID控制原理与程序流程    20
    1.1过程控制的基本概念    20
    1..2 模拟PID调节器    21
    1.3 数字PID控制器    22
    2. PID算法的程序流程    23
    2.1、增量型PID算法的程序流程    23
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