    摘要: 本设计是以STC90C516单片机作为整个系统的核心器件,主要用于检测、显示和控制构成系统电路。系统使用温敏电阻来检测环境的温度,使用光敏电阻检测环境的光照情况,由于温度和光照的变化会导致电阻值发生变化,通过电阻值转换电压电路,使电阻值的变化转换为电压的变化,并通过模数转换器PCF8591把模拟电压值转换成数字值传递给单片机,通过单片机处理,能够通过液晶1602显示温度值和光照值,若温度值和光照值超过程序里面设定好的阀值,就会控制液晶屏显示不同的字符标题达到智能化控制。整个系统是一种结构简单、性能稳定、使用方便、价格低廉、智能化的光照温度检测控制系统,具有一定的实用价值。22221
    毕业论文关键词:    温度;亮度;单片机;模数转换
    The design of Brightness and temperature sensing system
    Abstract: The design is based on STC90C516 microcontroller as the core device of the whole system, mainly used for controlling the display, control, and peripheral circuit system control circuit. System using a temperature sensitive resistor to detect the temperature of the environment, the use of photosensitive resistance measurement environment illumination condition, different temperature and light will cause the resistance value changes, voltage conversion circuit through the resistor values, to convert the change of resistance to voltage changes, and the analog voltage value is converted to digital value transfer to the microcontroller through the analog to digital converter PCF8591, SCM through processing, enough 1602 through the liquid crystal display temperature and illumination value, if the temperature and illumination value exceeds the program which set the threshold value, then control the LCD screen display different characters title to achieve intelligent control. The whole system is a kind of simple structure, stable performance, convenient operation, low price, intelligent light temperature measurement and control system, and has a certain practical value.
    Keywords: Temperature; Brightness ;MCU; ADC
    摘要    ii
    Abstract    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题背景    1
    1.2    单片机的概述    2
    1.3    本课题研究思路    3
    1.3.1    研究目标与意义    3
    1.3.2    研究思路    4
    1.3.3    研究难点    4
    2    系统的总体设计    5
    2.1    系统方案的构想与确定    5
    2.2    基本设计方案    5
    2.2.1    单片机的选择    5
    2.2.2    显示部分的选择    6
    2.2.3    温度检测电路设计    6
    2.2.4    亮度检测电路设计    6
    2.2.5    系统控制电路设计    7
    2.3    设计最终方案    7
    3    硬件电路设计与分析    8
    3.1    系统电源的设计    8
    3.2    系统核心主芯片STC90C516    8
    3.2.1    单片机STC90C516的引脚和功能    8
    3.2.2    复位电路的设计    9
    3.2.3    外部晶振时钟电路设计    9
    3.3    显示电路    10
    3.3.1    1602液晶显示屏简介    10
    3.3.2    1602液晶显示屏引脚说明    10
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