     Realization of PLC multi-channel temperature  control system based on AB-PLC
     目    录
    摘要        1
    ABSTRACT    2
    绪论        3
    第一章    前 言    4
    1.1论文研究的背景及目的    4
    1.1.1论文研究的背景    4
    1.2.1论文研究的目的    4
    1.2课题研究的范围    4
    1.2.1 可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)[1]    4
    1.2.2美国罗克韦尔ab-plc中的ControlLogix系列    8
    1.2.3热电偶温度变送器    9
    1.3基于PLC自动控制在国内外发展概况与未来展望    10
    第二章    课题设计说明    11
    2.1问题的提出    11
    2.2实验方案拟定    11
    2.2.1 人机界面总体框架    11
    2.2.2 温度控制方式    11
    2.2.3 PLC控制技术    12
    第三章    设计主要内容    13
    3.1实验内容准备及其初始化设定    13
    3.1.1 RSLogix5000编程环境    13
    3.1.2 串口组态与协议    13
    3.1.3 SFC执行    16
    3.1.4 温湿度传感器的选型    17
    3.2 PID控制    17
    3.2.1 典型PID设计理论    17
    3.3 程序设计    18
    3.3.1 主程序    19
    3.3.2 元件注释表    27
    3.3.3 软元件使用次数表    28
    3.3.4 PID程序块设计    31
    3.4 RSlinx通讯    35
    3.4.1利用RSLogix Emulator 5000仿真机架    35
    3.4.2 RSLinx设置    37
    3.5 RSView32    39
    3.5.1 RSview32简介    39
    3.5.2 多路温度监控画面    39
    第四章 结论    41
    致  谢        42
    参考文献    43
    In today's rapidly developing industrial control now, people use programmable logic controllers have been more mature. Because of its powerful functions and facilitate effective control, programmable logic controllers in industrial control has been widely used. Temperature control in a wide range of industrial use, especially in the constitution heating control, mold manufacturing, product testing, and the temperature of the device is particularly prominent.This paper introduces a control system which has the property of cost-effective multi-channel temperature detection. Using a / d Module participate analog signal according to the temperature; converted into a digital signal processing to send plc. Display temperature and humidity. Using a keyboard or touch screen to set parameters. According to process requirements to control the temperature.The system is based on ControlNet protocol , taking  ab-plc as master station and rtd type thermal resistance input components as slave  station under the master-slave mode for real time temperature data transmission ,to achieve the heating system’s temperature control and data display. The paper shows the realization of system’s software and hardware.
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