    摘要 : 随着近几年我国各个城市地铁的建设日益加快 , 对于地铁转向架的要求越来越高 , 然而 , 目前我国对地铁转向架的综合测试系统研究很少 , 大都 依靠 国外引进 , 使地铁建设及运营成本大大增加 。 因此研制 适合 中国国情的地铁 转向架 测控系统是 一项 重要的任务,这对 早日 实现中国地铁的国产化有着积极的意义。在地铁车辆的运营过程中 , 转向架可以说是一个非常重要的部件 , 日益增大的客流量和更为复杂的地铁网络都对转向架和及其工艺要求带来新的挑战 , 转向架性能的好坏直接关系着地铁车辆运行的安全性 、 稳定性和舒适性 , 这三方面都是评判地铁机车优良的重要指标,因而必须在装车前进行承载测试。
    在所有繁杂的测试中 , 本文着重讨论了对于城市轨道车辆转向架振动测试系统的设计与试验台使用的探索 , 在了解城市轨道车辆转向架的基本构造 、 转向架振动产生的原因的基础上进行振动测试系统的设计 。 本文根据城轨车辆转向架的测试要求 , 将安装在振动测试试验台装置上的四个电感位移传感器和加速度传感器以及称重传感器的测量数据进行采集并融合 , 完成了对城轨车辆转向架的振动情况准确 、 快速的评估 。 为今后城轨车辆的25489
    毕业论文关键字 : 城轨车辆转向架 ; 振动测试 ; 位移 ; 受力 ; 数据采集 ; 控制分析
    Urban Urban Urban Urban rail rail rail rail vehicle vehicle vehicle vehicle bogie bogie bogie bogie vibration vibration vibration vibration test test test test measurement measurement measurement measurement design design design design
    Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract : With the construction of city subways in various cities in recent years, our country ’ s
    metro bogie is getting increasingly high demand . However , Few of current research on the
    metro bogie comprehensive test system . Most rely on imported that lead the subway
    construction and operating costs increased significantly . Therefore, the development of China's
    national conditions metro bogie monitoring system is an important task . This early realization
    of China-made subway has a positive meaning .
    In the operation process of the subway car, truck can be a very important component . The
    i ncreasing of traffic and subway networks are more complex and process requirements for
    bogie and brings new challenges . Bogie performance has a direct bearing on the subway s
    running security, stability and comfort . These three aspects are important indicators of good
    judgment subway locomotive , Therefore the bogie must be have loading bearing tested before
    prior . In this paper, according to the testing requirements of urban rail vehicle bogie ,In all complex tests , This article focuses on the exploration for urban rail vehicle bogie
    vibration test system design and test bench us ing . Designed vibration test systems in urban rail
    vehicle bogie must understand the basic structure, basic bogie on the causes of vibration . Four
    inductive displacement sensor mounted on the shock test station apparatus and the weighing
    sensor and the acceleration sensor measurement data acquisition and integration . And
    c omplet ing the urban rail bogie vehicle vibration accurate, rapid assessment . P rovid ing a
    guarantee of s afe and stable operation of future urban rail vehicles . But also la y a theoretical
    foundation for the analysis of vibration basis .
    Keywords Keywords Keywords Keywords : Urban rail vehicle bogie ; Vibration testing ; displacement ; force ; data acquisition ;
    control analysis 目 录
    1 1 1 1 绪论 .. 1
    1.1 课题研究的意义与目的 .. 1
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