    论文设计了基于振动信号采集的节点硬件设计方案,采用 Cortex M3 内核的 32 位ARM 处理器的 STM32 ,780MHz频段低功耗无线收发器AT86RF212作为无线处理模块,并搭配高分辨率、高采集速率的振动传感器ADXL345,实现了机械振动信号的高速采集;选用可充电锂电池,可保证长时间循环使用,长期来看成本较低。汇聚节点通过USB接口完成与上位机的通信。在软硬件方面,分别完成了传感器节点信号采集、无线模块低功耗通信的设计。最后编写了LabVIEW上位机测试平台软件,并对系统进行了功能验证和功耗测试。
    Title  Design and implementation of wireless vibration sensor network node
    As the "senses" of the real world, the sensor network can be timely feedback to human the real world of information, which has become a bridge between the real world and the digital world. Due to its features of low power, low cost, large-scale, and self-organizing, wireless sensor network (WSN) is widely used in environmental monitoring, medical care, intelligent home and other fields. WSN can solve complicated wiring, the difficulty of poor dynamics and other problems in mechanical vibration, rotary tables and other measuring object in the relatively special monitoring node. What's more, it cuts the cost and is easy to expand.
    The hardware project of the node based on the vibration signal acquisition is designed, which using 32-bit Cortex M3 core ARM processor STM32.low-power wireless transceiver chip AT86RF212 which is working in 780MHz band is chosen to be the wireless communication module, and with the high resolution of the vibration sensor ADXL345, to achieve a high-speed acquisition of mechanical vibration signal; the battery use a rechargeable lithium battery, to ensure duty-cycle operation and  low cost. Aggregation node via USB interface to complete the communication with the host computer. In the aspect of hardware and software, the designes of signal acquisition and low-power communication is completed. Finally, this system is tested to verify both the functional and technical specification.
    Keywords  wireless sensor nodes,vibration signal,ADXL345,Wireless communication
     目    次    I
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景及研究意义    1
    1.2 无线振动传感器网络国内外发展现状    2
    1.2.1 无线传感器网络的概述    2
    1.2.2 无线振动传感器网络节点的特征    3
    1.2.3 适用于振动信号的无线传感器网络发展现状    4
    1.3 论文的主要内容和结构安排    5
    2 无线振动传感器系统整体方案设计    6
    2.1系统整体方案的设计    6
    2.1.1节点硬件模块设计    6
    2.1.2 系统工作流程    7
    2.2 传感器模块设计    8
    2.2.1振动传感器模块的选择    9
    2.2.2振动传感器模块的设计    9
    2.3 处理器模块    10
    2.3.1 处理器的选型    10
    2.3.2 处理器模块电路设计    11
    2.4 无线模块的设计    12
    2.4.1无线工作频段的选择    12
    2.4.2 无线模块的选用    13
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